Ch. 8's Melancholic Mystery (Part 2)

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((A/N: Hi, this is Kuromi!~ Look, I apologize for not updating for so long... I have my reasons, especially for a huge Writer's Block. I wanted to update this weeks ago, but I got sick with a bad flu... ('°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥) Anyhow, this is the continuation of the last chapter, so please enjoy!~ ^^))

Céline's POV.

It's him... The Servamp of Melancholy, Tsubaki, also nicknamed as 'Who is Coming?'. He's right there walking up to me and I can't find a way to get out of here.

Tsubaki smirks as he stops walking and stands there. "Don't worry~ I just want to here a story from you~ Probably a very boring story~"

With that said, he started laughing out loud, his voice echoing around us. Then he calms down as he sighs a bit, putting a kimono-sleeved hand over his lips. "Ahh~ Not interesting at all~"

I looked at him at his sudden change of personality. He really is a strange one...

As I was distracted, he suddenly went up in front of me and is way too close for comfort and is staring right at me.

"Excuse me..... What are you looking at?" I ask as I took a step back for some space.

"Hmmmm~ I can see that you have some hidden emotions in you~ Especially a lot of hidden despair locked in your heart~" He says as if it was interesting to him.

"What...? What are you talking about?" I looked at him in confusion mixed with suspicion.

He then chuckles and smirks. "What, you don't know?~ Have you ever felt that something is missing from your entire life?~ Ever wondered why you don't understand anything around you except when it comes to your job as an informant?~"

Tsubaki asked me a lot of questions and I don't know where to begin... I stood there speechless with my mind a bit of a mess as I hear him laugh again.

Come to think of it... All that I'm ever good at is gathering information and protecting myself. What he said is somehow true; I don't know anything about myself because of something that is missing from my life...

I looked up at him feeling a bit shaken of what he said to me. He seems to know more about me than I how I should know about myself. I understand that he's the Servamp of Melancholy, but how can see through me?

He was still laughing as he then stops again and looks at me. Somehow, his expression changed a bit to empathy.

"I understand how it feels to be forgotten~ You're deeply troubled because of something you couldn't remember and it brings you pain whenever you try to understand yourself~ You have two worlds; one is your present self and the other is your past self~ You're both still bound together because you won't let go of something that fears you~"

As he said those words, I feel more pained inside, like something is forcing me to watch something through my memories... Wait, memories?

Before I could speak up, our surroundings became normal again and Tsubaki was walking away chuckling. "For now, we're not enemies~ I just wanted to know about the new member of the Alicein family, especially when you're a former C3 informant~ We'll meet again next time~"

I wanted to catch up to him and question him about the things he knows about me, but another part of me won't let me go.

Anyhow, I need to get back and rest. But I doubt my rest won't be as easy as it will be, mostly when my mind is a mess.......

To be continued...

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