Special Chapter: Birthday "Tea Party" at Valentine's Day

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((A/N: A birthday "episode" for Misono Alicein on Valentine's Day!!~ Not part of any Chapters, which is why this is a "Special Chapter". Might contain a little spoilers, so please read at your own risk. Also, I'll be adding a little extra fluff for my OC and 'someone' on the end for the event and is just for fun~ Enjoy!!~))

Misono's POV

These people... What is wrong with them today? Somehow, they are ignoring me everytime I walk by. Usually they would greet me 'good morning' like every morning as soon as I wake up or 'good evening' at night, but now they just ignored me. In fact, most of them were in a hurry and left quickly as soon as they saw me. What, did I do something to scare them? I sure hope not...

By the way, why do I feel like I'm forgetting something? I feel like it's something important, so I decided to ask Lily who is floating next to me in his butterfly form.

"Lily, do you have any idea what's going on here? Why is everyone ignoring me, even the new employee Cat Lady is ignoring me, she's got some nerve challenging me..." He muttered, loud enough for Lily to hear as the Servamp of Lust chuckled.

"No, not at all, Misono~ I'm sure there's a reason why everyone is like that today, including her. So please don't feel offended~ It's a secret for now, so we'll tell you later when we're allowed to."

"And when will that be?" I asked with a bit of impatience in my voice.

"Sooner or later, Misono~" He replied.

Well, that's a big help! I thought to myself, feeling more annoyed.

"Anyway, while we're waiting, why don't I show you some--"

"Don't strip, Lily."

"Aww, but I haven't said anything yet~"

I ignored his comment as I went to the garden. Of course I was frustrated, but I won't admit it to anyone. As soon as I reached the garden, there was a loud sound of popping and colourful lights flashing.

"W-What the--?!" I shielded my face with my arm as I squinted against the light.

"Happy Birthday, Young Master!!"

I opened my eyes as soon as I adjusted from the flashes, and saw everyone of the workers and my friends with smiles on their faces. I couldn't believe it, I just forgot about my birthday! How embarrassing that must've been. So they have been preparing this all this time? They could've told me that they were busy instead of ignoring me.

They gave me their best wishes for my special day, and the subclass kids also prepared presents. I guess if you forget something, there is always some people who are special to you who will always remember. I smiled to myself. Happy Birthday to me.

Normal POV (Valentine's SPECIAL)

"He looks happy." Céline looked up behind her and saw Mikuni standing there with Jeje and Abel on his hand as usual. She went on the rooftop as soon as she had greeted Misono with the others and decided to watch them from on top ot the roof and is eating a pocky stick. Mikuni decided to pay the place a visit for his younger brother's birthday and spotted Céline sitting alone on the roof and joined her instead of showing up with the rest of them.

"Yes, you could say that the young master is happy. I may have been here for some time now, but I could tell something about him that he doesn't want to show. To be honest, I find it amusingly cute sometimes." She giggled softly to herself as she took a bite of her pocky, but Mikuni heard it as he chuckled.

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