Chapter 6: Doubtful Feelings

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Normal POV.

Céline slowly stirs awake as she groans a bit.

Jeje, who was watching over her in his snake form, transformed back to his human-vampire form.

"You're awake, Miss Céline... Do you feel... Any pain...?" He asks.

Céline sat up slowly as she shakes her head. "No, I'm alright, Jeje. I just have a headache, that's all."

"But... You were groaning... When you fell... And when I caught you... Mikuni..." Jeje was about to say something but shakes his head.

Céline looks at him as she tilts her head. "What about Mikuni? Where is he?" She asks.

Just as she said that, Mikuni bursts into the room and rushes to her side.

"Are you alright, Céline?! You're not in any pain, are you?!" He asks as he held her by the shoulders. And to Céline's suprise, she saw the look of concern in his eyes and tone in his voice.

"I'm alright, Mikuni. Jeje just asked me the same thing, and I told him." She said as she looks at him.

Suddenly, almost like in slow motion, Céline gasps a bit when Mikuni pulled her to his chest and wraps his arms around her.

However, it wasn't just a hug. He had pulled her into an embrace like she was someone special than just a family or friend.

Jeje was also suprised to see this side of his Eve. He just stood there watching them in silence.

Céline, on the other hand, was speechless. She doesn't know how to respond in this kind of gesture as she sat there dumbfounded.

Just before she could do try to reciprocate it, Mikuni stood up as he let go of her and smiles his usual smile, and again as usual, Abel is held in his hand.

"I'm glad to know that you're alright!~ You had me worried there for a second, I thought that you got sick, but looking at you seems like you're doing just fine~" He says as he looks at her smiling.

Céline looks at him as she nods and stood up. "I'm alright, Mikuni. I have to take my leave now; I didn't notice that it's already gotten this late and I have to go back to Young Master Misono."

Mikuni nods as he held her hand and helped her up to her feet.

"Alright~ But does my little brother know that you paid me a visit?" He asked.

Céline shook her head. "No, he said that I could have my day off, and so I went for a ride on my motorcycle. Then that's when I thought of visiting you." She said as she heads to the door with him.

Mikuni chuckles as he nods in understanding. "I think it's best if he doesn't know, or he won't let you see me since he doesn't trust me~ Plus, it would be nice if you were to drop by anytime. It's better than Johannes wrecking my shop with his crazy experiments."

Céline puts on her cat-eared helmet and looks at him as she nods. "I'll try to visit you again whenever I can. Good-bye for now." She says as she got on her motorcycle.

"Wait! You may want to have this."

Céline looks up as Mikuni carefully hurled a small spray bottle to her as she caught it.

"What is this?" She asks as she lifts up the visor of her helmet and inspects the bottle.

"It's Holy Water. You can use this in defense from vampires. They especially lurk during the night, so use it if you're in trouble. It's not much effective on Servamps, but it can cause more damage to Subclasses." He explains as he walks up to her a bit.

Céline looks at the bottle then sets it aside in case she needs it. "Thank you, Mikuni. Well, I'm going now." She says as she puts down the visor of her helmet and starts up her motorcycle before driving away.

Mikuni watches her disappearing form as he went back inside the shop.

"Do you think that.... She's starting to remember...?" Jeje asks as Mikuni closed the shop.

Mikuni shakes his head as he holds onto Abel. "Even so, I still can't let her know. After all those years, I can't let let anything like that to happen to her again. Just like that time..."

"Then why did you just let her go just now?"

"Because we can't let her know for now. It's up to her to discover them by herself and the only thing we can do is give her small hints."

Jeje looks at him as Mikuni's face had the same expression as he displayed earlier.

"Mikuni... As for Miss Céline... Or ••••••....... Could it be that you're.........."


To be continued....

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