Chapter 4 She Returns.

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When the sky became clear again, Wihn as well as Sara turned around and looked at Ethan. "My boy......._ Wihn said chuckling. "You cannot imagine the joy it brings me to finally become what I knew I was destined to be......" "And what's that professor? Insane?" Ethan asked. Sara went to him and hit him over the head with her gun, and as she did this, Wihn shouted.

"Sara!!!! He is the sacrifice, he has already been wounded enough thanks to you. We need him breathing." Sara and Ethan looked at Wihn and Sara slowly started to back away, mostly out of fear, for Lilith had emerged from her coffin and was right behind Wihn. "Yes my dear..." Lilith said, in a Persian accent. "If I am to be at full strength, then my meals must be alive for me to feed upon them, I prefer it this way." She said as Wihn turned around to look at her. "My queen...." Wihn said as he knelled in front of Lilith.

"I am Samuel Wihn....... I am here to serve you. Me as well as those of us who remember your powerful and magnificent race." Lilith began to chuckle. "Tell me human..... What do you wish for?" She asked. "I and those like me wish to join you and your kind as the dominant species of the world. We wish to become vampires." Wihn replied. "You wish to become part of the most powerful race known to and feared by man?" She asked. ,"Yes, my queen. We have even brought someone to be a sacrifice. This young man shall make an excellent meal for you.' Wihn pointed to Ethan, and then Lilith saw him she smiled. "He shall do." She said as she walked towards him, and when Lilith began walking towards Ethan, Sara began walking back towards her grandfather. Ethan began to pant heavily, as Lilith came towards him. "I can smell your fear human..... To me it is just as satisfying as drinking your blood, to see a human cower in the face of the true masters of the world."

Lilith picked up Ethan with one hand, and as she lifted him all the way off the ground Lilith's eyes began to glow red, and the moment her fangs came out, Ethan knew that he was going to die. "Death shall greet you human."
Lilith said as she laughed. Then she took a large bite from his throat. And as Lilith began to feed on him, Wihn smiled evilly and waived at Ethan as the last thing he saw was Wihn and Sara waving good-bye to him as he blacked out and began to die.

But then two hours later, Ethan lets out a huge gasp as he awakens on the floor of Lilith's tomb and as he sees that Lilith, Wihn, and Sara are gone he stands up slowly. Then notices that his bullet wounds, plus his cuts vanished without a trace, and there was no pain in his arm or leg at all. "I don't get it. How can my wounds be healed? It doesn't make any sense."

Before Ethan can think he hears screams of terror outside, so he runs to the entrance and climbs out of the tomb, to see Lilith tearing apart the workers and Blood Clan members and as he watches in horror he sees Wihn, Sara, Jake, and Jason doing the same as Lilith, and laughing as they were killing innocent people. But as Ethan climbed out of the hole and tried to think of a way to stop them, he saw a workers body in pieces and watched as the blood flowed onto the sandy floor. And as he watched the blood, his eyes began to glow blue, and soon fangs shot through his gums and replaced four of his upper left and right teeth.

The pain of his fangs emerging, then feeling his fangs with his tongue, he soon realized that he too was a vampire. Ethan began panting heavily, trying to wrap his head around the fact that he was now an immortal being. But just as he was starting to cope, Sara came to him and said. "Ethan it is so nice to see you alive........ Well, sort of alive. Anyway, come join us for a bite. The warmth of fresh blood rushing down your throat gives you a feeling that you have never ever had before. I assure you." "Never, I'll never be one of you." Ethan said as he looked at her. "Ha Ha." Sara laughed "Looked around you. Look at yourself. Lilith chose us, and you to be part of the most powerful race that man has ever feared to speak of. Don't deny it. Embrace it!!" After Sarah's speech, as she walked away, Ethan looked around and realized that he could not deny or fight what he was, but he was going to make sure that Lilith and the others were never going hurt anyone else.

Ethan wanted to deal with them as a human, so he closed his eyes and started concentrating, and soon he began to gain control of his vampire instincts, his fangs retreated back into his gums and became human teeth again, as he opened his eyes which also changed back to their original color blue. He looked for the nearest vampire, which was Jake. He got up and ran towards him and knocked him to the ground. Then Jake hit his head on a rock, and as Ethan got up and looked down at Jake who was unconscious on the sand, Lilith and the others saw what he did, and they attacked him, first Jason attacked. But Ethan was ready for him, he quickly dodged Jason by jumping into the air.

Ethan soon realized that he could fly, and when the others looked at what he could do, they too decided to fly and go after him. Sara was the second one to attack Ethan, but he was able, to avoid her attack. But Sara was persistent. She flew towards Ethan again and again, each time trying to kill him, but Ethan was able to move so fast that Sara didn't see that Ethan somehow, almost as if by magic, moved right behind her and as she turned around Ethan gave her a swift kick, which was so hard she came crashing to the ground. The kick was so powerful, that it left a medium sized crater in the sand where she fell, and as the dust that was caused from Sara's crash settled and the others looked at Sara who laid on the sandy floor writhing in pain, Lilith looked up to the sky and said to Ethan.

"Very impressive child. Not many of our kind have the ability of shadow speed and those who have it, it would normally take them centuries to master it. I have no doubt you will be a powerful vampire. Join me and together we place our people where they should be. On top of this new world, herding humans like the cattle they are."

Ethan looked at Lilith and said loudly. "Never!! I'll never help you, and I'll never allow you to hurt anyone else." Lilith laughed loudly and said. "I honestly don't see how you can prevent it child. It is inevitable that vampires shall rule the world." Ethan looked down from the ground and saw the chaos and destruction that Lilith and the others caused and thought that as long as she's around that this could happen to the rest of the world so he decided to surrender, but just as he came down from the sky and surrendered to Lilith and she walked towards him, he looked down and saw two tent pole's that were broke in half. He grabbed both ends and with his vampire speed quickly stabbed Lilith and the next nearest vampire, which was Wihn, in their heart's.

As Lilith fought for her freedom from the stake inside her heart, she eventually lost and was placed into a paralyzed state once again, only this time she was not alone. Whin looked at Ethan as he held the stake that went into Whin's heart and Whin just smiled at Ethan, and as Ethan let go of the stake Whin fell backwards onto the sandy Sahara floor.

As Wihn and Lilith both lay paralyzed, Ethan backed away from the professor's body and saw Jake, Jason, and Sara heading towards him. "Come on. Let's see what you've got." Ethan said as he looked at them coming from all three different sides. Sara charged first, and Ethan grabbed her by the throat and tossed her toward a large tent pole, which impaled her through the heart, paralyzing her instantly. Jake and Jason came at him at the same time, but Ethan was ready for them. He grabbed Jason and tossed him at Jake knocking them both to the floor. As they both lay unconscious on the ground Ethan found another tent pole and snapped it in half and walked towards them, and as he looked at them on the ground he lifted both of his arms. A pole in each hand then he thrusted his hands down and stabbed both Jake and Jason in the hearts, and as he staked them, they opened their eyes at the same time and let out inhuman howls. Until finally they stopped, and the effects of the stake's had taken over and their bodies had gone completely stiff.

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