Chapter 9 Rescue.

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Ethan paces his small cell and tries to figure out an escape plan, and all the while Hassan is trying to round up vampires to rescue Ethan and the others.

"There's got to be a way to get out of here..... Maybe I can use my speed ability? Yeah that's it, once they open the door again, I can speed right past them." Ethan said to himself, which is easier said than done, the moment he heard footsteps coming towards his cell, he gets into position. But just then ha started feeling a searing pain in his head. The next thing he knew he was writhing and screaming on the ground in pain.

His cell opened up and a man stepped in and watched him. "Don't bother trying to get out of here." The man smirked down at Ethan. As soon as the stranger talked the pain went away and Ethan was panting heavily on the ground. "Who are you? What was that pain I felt?" Ethan asked as he tried to stand up. "My power, I have the power to manipulate the electrical impulses in the body, and cause immense pain." The man said as he squatted so he and Ethan were on the same eye level. "You're a vampire?" Ethan asked with wide eyes, "Why yes I am. The names Bjorn."

As Ethan was still projecting his thoughts to Hassid, when he had seen the man's name he knew instantly who this man was. He had heard rumors of a vampire that had betrayed his entire clan to military forces, and had been aiding in the capture and control of all vampire's targeted. His name was Bjorn kronen.

"Ethan!" Hassid was yelling in his head. "Listen to me very carefully, this vampire, he's a traitor. His name is Bjorn kronen. He had been rumored to be aiding the military in the capture and control of other vampire's. He even handed over his own clan to them. Be careful."

The tone in Hassid's voice told Ethan that he knew this vampire in more than just rumor. "Hassid......" Ethan was hesitant to ask, but he had to know. "Do you know him in another way?" Hassid hesitated for a moment, but that moment was all it took for Ethan to realize.

"He was your lover wasn't he?" He asked him. "Yes" Hassid thought back. "He and I planned on getting married, but then I discovered the truth. He was selling out other clans to the military. He even sold out his own clan. I couldn't even look at him after finding that out."

As Ethan was staring up at Bjorn, he grew to hate him the more he learned of what this man had done. "They trusted you." He whispered. "What?" Bjorn asked as he looked down at Ethan. "They trusted you and you betrayed them. Betrayed him."

Bjorn had no idea what Adam was talking about. "Who did I betray then, if you know my life story?" Bjorn asked. As Ethan began to stand up, he felt something inside, and he instantly knew that he had just copied Bjorn's power. "I know that you sold your own clan to the military, and I also know that you betrayed your lover Hassid." The moment Hassid's name left Ethan's lip's, Bjorn was on him instantly. Ethan blinked and suddenly found himself suspended in mid air with said man's hand wrapped around his throat, lifting him up.

"What do you know about Hassid?!! Tell me!!" Bjorn yelled, and started breathing heavily. " I know he loved you and you betrayed him. He loved you and you were going to hand him over to the military to be their guinea pig." Ethan spat with much venom.

"You don't know a damn thing boy!! I loved Hassid. I still do, and the only reason I sold out my clan was to protect him. Everything I have done is to protect Hassid." As Bjorn was breaking down he released Ethan from his grip and placed him on his feet again. And as Ethan listened to him crying, he suddenly felt sorry for Bjorn. "What do you mean that everything you did was to protect him? Protect him from what?" Ethan was still projecting his thoughts to Hassid so he could see and hear everything that was going on.

"One night after I had finished feeding on some teenager, and by feeding I don't mean killing." Ethan was giving him a horrified look, so Bjorn wanted to make it clear that he didn't kill anyone. " A vampire can feed on humans without killing or harming them. We can temporarily control a person's mind, just long enough for us to feed. Then we can heal the bite marks our fangs make with our saliva, after that we send the person on their way with no memory of what's happened. But as I was saying, after I had already feed I left the kid next to a bus stop and made sure he got home safely. Then as I was walking around suddenly felt a stinging in my neck, I didn't have time to respond because the next thing I know, I'm strapped to a chair. The military had followed me, they knew about my clan and about Hassid. They said that if I didn't help them, they would torture Hassid, and they would make me watch. So I had no choice in the matter. To this day, the only reason I do this is to ensure he is left alone."

After hearing how far Bjorn is willing to go to protect Hassid and how much he loves him, Ethan decided to make sure that both of them are reunited. "Bjorn?" Ethan asked hesitantly. "What is it?" Bjorn snapped. "What if I could help you get out from under the military and back to Hassid?" Bjorn looked at him with wide eyes. "How?" "What if I told you that Hassid's been listening to our entire conversation?" Bjorn looked surprised and happy to hear that his lover now knew why he did everything. "If this is a trick I will kill you." He said menacingly.

"It's not a trick. Hassid has been projecting his thoughts and teaching me to do the same." "So you have the same power as him?" Bjorn asked puzzled. "No, Hassid said that I can duplicate powers." After hearing this, Bjorn immediately looked at Ethan with wide eyes. "That's impossible." He said in a scared tone. "Apparently it's not, I was somehow able to copy Hassid's power without even realizing it. And since you used your power on me I have that one as well." Bjorn thought for a moment and then realized that he had used his power on Ethan, and if he indeed possessed the duplication ability then he could finally be free of the military once and for all.

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