What am I gonna do now?

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Andi's POV

As I shut my locker door I felt someone behind me, as I turned around I begged it wasn't Tyler.  I was met with a goofy grin from Bennet.

"Hello Treasure." He chuckled as he leaned up against the locker next to mine like Tyler use to.

I swung my bag over my shoulder and looked down at my feet, trying not to meet his eyes.  I pulled out my phone trying to find a reason to leave.

"I'm sorry Bennet I have to go get my kids." I said quickly then tried walking away but he grabbed my arm.

"Andi wait, what is going on? You haven't been acting the same since the park." His face looked so confused and worried.

"Bennet I just don't want to start anything with anyone, honestly I don't ever want to be with anyone again. Hell I didn't even want to start anything with Tyler in the beginning and this right here is the reason, But now look at me a teenage mom with a broken heart." I could feel the tears swelling in my eyes I don't even know why I'm telling Bennet this. Before he could say or do anything I pulled from his grip and ran as fast as I could.

"Andi wait!" I heard him yell but I didn't stop.

When I reached the parking lot I heard talking as I looked over it was the group they looked up at me but I continued walking ignoring the sad look from Tyler.

When I got to my car my hands were shaking I couldn't get the key in.

"Andrea?" I heard a familiar voice from behind me a voice I have been wanting to here but also can't stand to hear.

I turned around to meet Tyler's eyes, he looked tired his face was slightly pale and his lips looked chapped. He looked down at my shaking hands and back up to my face, I felt his hand brush onto mine and I didn't push it away he then slowly placed his hand into mine stopping the shaking.

 He looked down at my shaking hands and back up to my face, I felt his hand brush onto mine and I didn't push it away he then slowly placed his hand into mine stopping the shaking

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I stared at our holding hands my breathing slowing down, I didn't even realize how fast my heart was racing. I was so caught up in getting out of the parking lot I didn't even recognize the signs of my anxiety attack. Tyler gave my arm a strong tug and I was pulled into his chest listening to his heartbeat.

 Tyler gave my arm a strong tug and I was pulled into his chest listening to his heartbeat

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His heartbeat sounded a bit off, not like what it use to when we were together.  His arms were wrapped tightly around my back like he was refusing to let go, his head was laying on top of mine. I felt him take a big breath then release it, his arms loosened around my back. My brain was telling me to pull back and get in my car. I couldn't pull away his cologne was filled with so many memories, running on the beach, singing and dancing around the living room, rocking the babies to sleep, but then I saw me sitting on the kitchen floor head in my knees. 

I pulled away I couldn't look at him and went to unlock my car this time I got it. I put my bag in the backseat he still stood there watching my every move not saying anything. I grabbed the handle to the drivers side but he started to speak.

"Andi please stop ignoring me, I understand what I did but right now I just want what is best for the babies." He was right this wasn't good for the kids.

His voice was ringing in my ears, I don't want to babies to suffer from this. We have a family, we are family, we need to start acting like it again.

" You are right, I was gonna pick up the kids but instead you bring them over around 4:30, tell the guys too we are having dinner." I didn't even look into his eyes I didn't wait for a reply I got into my car and sped off to the store to buy stuff for dinner.

"Maybe we can actually become a family again." 


I know that was very short and I never really write short chapters but I'm still struggling, I promise for another chapter later TODAY. Love you all thank you for the patience. :)

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