Baby Jace...

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Tyler and I stayed at the hospital only leaving Jace's hospital crib unless we had to.  People gathered in the waiting room anxiously waiting for an update on his condition.  My parents were flying in from their meeting and planned to stay until he was back home.


Tyler's head shot up from his hands and he stood up and opened the door dressed in the hospital gowns and masks we were required to wear. I watched as he opened the door and Kayela came in carrying a bag of food and drinks from taco bell.

" I brought you guys food, figured you haven't eaten." She half smiled setting the food down on a table close to the window."

"I'm not hungry." I mumbled placing my head on my knees facing Jace.

"Andi you gotta eat something." Tyler stated.

"I said I'm not hungry not that I wouldn't eat." I snapped.

"You know he's my kid too there's no reason to get angry at me." He spat.

"Guys I really don't think this is to fight." Kayela cut me off.

"Who's all in the waiting room?" I asked changing the subject.

"Uh pretty much everyone Tyler's parents, Jessica, Leah, Derek, Alexis, and some old couple claiming to be your grandparents." Kayela's eyebrows rose.

"Is it the lady from the diner?" Tyler asked confused.

I listened in getting ready to burst in anger if the answer was yes.

I felt the heat of her gaze and turned to her .

"Answer the question Kayela." I stood up in my chair.

She nodded and looked down at her feet.

"You've got to be fuckin kidding me!" I swung open the door and ran to the waiting room. 

I stopped at the doorway everyone's head popped up expecting an update. I looked in the corner and saw the women from the diner and a older man holding her hand. I heard Tyler and Kayela run behind me.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I snapped.

"Andi calm down." Tyler put his hand on my shoulder but I shook it off.

"No don't tell me to calm down, They don't have a fuckin right to be here." 

They stood up and stood in front of me.

"You've gotten so beautiful." The man smiled bringing a hand up to touch my face but I slapped it away.

"Don't ever touch me." I spat.

"We are here the same reason all these other people are here, to make sure Jace is okay." 

" No, you do not get to come into his life only when there's a problem, I don't need you and neither Jace or Tinley need you. And don't ever try to claim me or Justin as your grandchildren. Also never and I mean never say either of my kids names, you do not deserve to be apart of their lives, you do not deserve to know or be related to two beautiful babies. I didn't need you, Justin didn't need you so neither do they." I turned my back ignoring everyone's stare and started walking back to the room.

"If your parent's weren't so irresponsible as kids or now Justin would still be alive, and those babies wouldn't grow up with irresponsible parents!" The man yelled.

I stopped dead in my tracks, I looked at Tyler and he was looking in their direction, Jackson jumped up and stood in front of Tyler with a hand on his chest whispering in his ear. I opened my mouth to say something but was quickly cut off by a familiar voice.

"What the hell did you just say!" I looked at the door where both my parents stood my dad standing in front of my mom with a red face.

"Cra-" The women started but was cut off.

"Shut up! You never speak of Justin, you will never try and blame us for his death trust me we do enough of that! But most of all you will never tell my daughter who's a better mother then you ever have been that she is irresponsible."

"I wouldn't call them that if I didn't believe it was true. I mean look at their situation! Their baby is the hospital and he's only what a month old."

"Babies get sick! No one could have prevented or expected this innocent child to contract something so sickening." Amanda stood up.

"And just who do you think you are speaking to us like that." The man spat.

"I'm Jace's grandmother, his real one the one that'll always be apart of his life." She stepped towards them.

"And as his grandma I have the right to tell you to get the fuck out of this hospital cause all you are doing is stressing out Andrea and my son. So get the hell out and if they want you in the kids life they'll call until then don't ever visit them again, because there's three mamma's here that aren't afraid to go crazy on your ass." 

They looked at Amanda then back at me.

"You heard her." I spat.

With that they walked out of the building heads hanging low. I ran and hugged my dad and started crying in his shoulder.

"Shh Bunny everything will be okay, he's just like his daddy and uncle a fighter." He pulled my head out from his shoulder and kissed my forehead.

I thanked Amanda and then rushed back to Jace's room. A doctor stood besides him smiling.

"He's reacting well to the treatment. His airways are opening you should be able to take him home this week." He smiled at Tyler at us once more before exiting the room.

I turned to Tyler and jumped into his arms, he squeezed me tight and kissed my hair.

"He's going to be okay." I cried into his chest.

"What I say? He's a fighter."

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