Someone Is Gone..

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*Andrea's POV*

I sat on the couch the TV played in the background I read the book our English teacher assigned, Tyler and the babies are at Jackson's so Jessica and him can spend time with them and I can get a break.

A knock at my door scared me, I jumped up setting my book on the center table. As I walked to the door I tied my hair up in a bun. I opened the door greeting who it was with a smile until .

As I opened the door I found a bloody lipped and black eyed Jessica cry.

"What the hell happened? Where's Tinley and Jace? Where's Tyler?" I pulled her in trying to tend to her lip.

"No go get the kids they are in the car, then you need to go to my place Tyler is going to kill Criston and my dad can't stop him you need to." She blurted.

I nodded and rushed to her car, I pulled the kids out and rushed them in the house before getting in my car a driving over the speed limit to her place. I didn't bother knocking as I heard yelling and things being broken.

I bursted and Jackson came to my first.

"Andi what are you doing here? You need to leave Tyler is just seeing black right now."

"What the hell happened?!"

I tried pushing out of the way as I heard another thing break in the living room but he pushed me back to the door.

"We were playing with the kids on the floor when we heard screaming coming from Jessica's and Criston's room and then we heard like a smack noise. Tyler ran in and Criston was standing over Jessica fist balled and her lip was bleeding."

"Okay Jackson move out of me way before everyone gets hurt. I may be small but I've taken more sports then you've watched on TV." I snapped.

He seemed to gulp and then moved out of the way. I ran into the living to find Tyler sitting on top of Criston fist bleeding and Criston's face was swelling and he looks close to falling unconscious.

"Tyler stop!" He froze and snapped his head towards me.

"Get out of here Andi! This ass deserves this! Who knows how long he's been hurting my little sister." He yelled.

" Tyler look at him! He's barely even breathing, do you want your kids to grow up visiting their dad in prison for manslaughter?" 

He dropped his arm down from his strike and stood up. He pulled him up by the collar of his shirt and brought him close to his face.

"Don't ever come near my sister or anyone in my family again, if you do I will not blink before putting you down." He walked to the door collar still in his hand and he through him out of the house.

He turned to me still breathing heavy, he clenched his fist blood dripping to the floor.

"Tyler?" Jackson spoke softly.

" How the fuck did you not know? How didn't you hear her screams and see her bruises?" He stepped towards him pointing a finger at his chest.

I quickly stepped in front of him before he could reach Jackson. He looked down at me trying to intimidate me, I didn't look him in eyes worried it might work.

"Move Andi." He snapped.

"No Tyler, you'd never hurt the mother of your children." I looked up at him to meet his eyes.

He looked back up to Jackson who looked like he was close to crying. Tyler turned away and stormed out the door it banging on the wall. I heard his footsteps stop.

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