Valentines Day!!

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*Authors note*
Just a quick thing I know this chapter won't be perfectly in line with the last chapter but just pretend Andi said to come over dinner the next day. Sorry for the inconvenience love you guys ❤️

*Andi's POV*

Why? Why did I say for him to come over of all days I had to invite him over on valentine's day, I mean it's not like it's just gonna be us. Oh my God what if the guys don't come cause they try to do one of those sneaky friend tricks that get couples back together like on TV, no no they wouldn't do that, would they?

Every little terrible thought ran through my head as I paced my living room. The babies sat in their bouncers watching me. I heard the oven go off so I went into the kitchen taking out the cake I was baking.

I set it off to the side of the counter for it to cool before I frosted it. I turned my attention towards the chicken that was cooking on the stove, I then finishes cutting up the vegetables and putting them in a separate pan to start cooking them.

After about 15 minutes of finishing the cooking and putting everything together I had a big bowl of stir fry and rice. I was finishing up frosting the cake when I heard a knock at the door.

I opened it and revealed Tyler awkwardly standing there with his hands in his jean pockets.

"Hey." I smiled as best I could.

"Hey." He rubbed the back of his neck like he always did when he was nervous.

I moved from the door and started walking back to the kitchen, I heard him shut the door and follow behind me.

"I was just about to set the table, if you could actually do that while I go feed babies that would be great." I again tried smiling.

He nodded his head and started gathering silverware and plates taking them into the dining room.

I felt a bad pain in my stomach, but brushed it off as period cramps. I went and took the babies upstairs to their room to feed them and then put then to sleep, grabbing the baby monitor I went back downstairs and everyone was sitting at the table talking.

"I didn't even hear you guys come in." I smiled and everyone.

Another shocking pain crossed through my stomach but towards my back this time. I gripped my stomach and made a pained expression on my face, Tyler was watching me carefully.

"Andi? Are you okay?" He was by my side in a matter of seconds with a hand on my back.

"Uh yeah my stomach is just hurting." I looked up at him and shook off his hand.

"I'm okay, who's hungry?" I smiled around the room ignoring the tension in the room.

"Alexis you wanna help me bring everything out?" She gave me a concerned face but slowly nodded her head.

When we got into the kitchen I leaned against the counter squeezing my eyes shut trying to ignore the pain.

"Andi maybe we should call someone, or go to the doctors. If you are in that much pain." She stood beside me.

"I'm fine, child birth was more painful then this." I chuckled.

She waited but then slowly nodded, we grabbed the bowls of food and walked into the dining room.

The night was filled with talk, group conversations and one on one. Tyler and I even shared a few laughs, but the pain was getting worse and it was moving to my right side fast.

It came time for dessert Leah and I collected everyone's plates and then brought put the cake and smaller plates. The pain started getting worse as I was standing up and walking. As I approached the table I quickly set the cake onto the table before I felt myself falling to my knees.

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