Months Ago...

17 0 0

*Leah 's POV*

"Babe you think I should go with the black or red heels for our date." I walked into Kayela's room from her connected bathroom holding up both shoes. I saw her still under the covers of her bed.

"Really Kayela get up, it is our date night Andi and Tyler were gonna join us. They seem to officially be back together." I whined.

"I don't want to go just go without me or something." She groaned covering her head with the blanket.

"Come on, you look date nights." I giggled as I jumped onto the bed with her pulling the blanket off.

"I said I didn't want to fucking go! Just leave me alone!" She screamed rushing into her bathroom and slamming the door behind her.

I don't like being yelled as so I gathered all my stuff huffed a goodbye and left her house pissed. I got into my car and sent her a quick text.

*When you stop acting like a child call me.* I quickly sent then put my phone on silent mode.

*4 Hours later*

I still haven't heard from Kayela and now I'm getting worried, I usually don't like to give in to her petty little arguments because she is usually just overreacting her makeup not coming out how she wants or something, but this time there is something wrong and I cant put my finger on it. I've never seen this side of her and I've known her since we were kids.

I decided to drive to her house after her not picking up my multiple calls or answering my text messages. I got in my car and just felt this pit in my stomach like something bad happened. I speed all the way to her house, the door is locked and her dad's car is gone. I get in my crawling through an open window and go to the back of the house to her room.

"Kayela? Are you in here." I search her room and find a torn note laying on her bed it read.

*Dear Dad, thank you for being such an amazing father to me even tho I have never been a good daughter, I left you by yourself so may times, ditched you on family nights, and broken so many rules that you only know half about. I promise to do better in my next life, I wish I never failed you and hope you can find happiness because you deserve it. And to my beautiful girlfriend I am sorry that I was never fair to you and always started arguments, I wish I could have been better treated you like you should have been treated. you were my best friend, the love of my life, and my soulmate and I thought we would live together forever and have a life together but sometimes things just never work out, I hope you can find someone that suits you better and live your life to the fullest.  I love all my friends and want to thank them all for being there for me more then they ever know but sometimes your demons just over power the love you receive. I wish it didn't have to play out this way, I wish I could just be happy and normal like everyone else and not have all these underlining feelings but I do. I don't want to die but I feel like living is becoming a full time job that I can't keep up with. I hope you guys can all forgive me and have a good senior year without me because you know I never wanted to be cried over.*


I dropped the paper and started running through her house screaming her name with the tears welling in my eyes, hands shaking I quickly dialed 911.

"Hello 911, what is your emergency?"

"Hello please send help, I think my girlfriend is trying to kill herself I found a suicide note."

"Okay Ma'am calm down please, what is your name and where are you located?"

"Uhh my name is Leah, my girlfriend's name is Kayela uh and we are locaed at 345 willagypsy street. Please hurry I'm still looking for her." I panicked.

I busted into the downstairs bathroom and saw Kayela laying her open pool of blood a razor laying next to her.

"KAYELA! BABY! BABY! OPEN YOUR EYES COME ON." I screamed pulling her into my lap ignoring the blood staining my jeans and shirt.

"Ma'am is she breathing?" The dispatcher asked.

"Yes barely, PLEASE HURRY!" I cried pressing my ear to her chest.

"Is she responding to you?"

"No, I don't know how long she has been like this she has lost a lot of blood."

"Leah?" A male voice came from me.

"OH NO NO! KAYELA BABYGIRL! WAKE UP!" Her dad rushed to my side grabbing her face trying to shake her awake.

"Who is that? Is that a family member?" The dispatcher asked.

"Yes it is her father."

"Can you please put him on? Get some information."

I gave the phone to her father and he started crying answering the questions, we heard the sirens coming and he rushed to the door to direct them to the house. After a few minutes paramedics ran in asked me to step out, loaded her on the gurney and took her to the hospital. Her father and I rode together in silence except the sounds of our cries.

"She's gonna be okay, its okay don't worry she will be okay." Her dad kept repeating putting his hand on my head brushing my hair down.

We waited for what seemed like hours until a doctor came to us and took her dad to the side. After the doctor stopped talking her dad grabbed his shoulders and brought him into a hug thanking him. He walked over to me and told me the news.

"She is alive, she lost a lot of blood and she is under intensive care and will be on suicide watch for the rest of the time she is staying here, but then they will be moving her to the Johnston Unit and she will reside there for at least a month." He let out deep breath or relief but it was shaky.

He then left for her room leaving me alone in the waiting room, he wanted to see her by himself first. An hour later her came out wiping the tired out of his eyes.

"You can go back there, would you mind staying there with her I am gonna go home grab some clothes they are setting up a cot for me to stay." I nodded and he gave me a quick hug and then left.

I walked slowly to her room, I don't know if I can actually see her that way. I slowly creaked the door open she was hooked up to monitors and IVs, my breath caught in my throat. I stood there in the doorway just staring at her usual tan skin pale as paper. She moved her head slightly and looked at me, I was in scrubs that the hospital gave me so that I wasn't sitting in blood for hours. She looked at me for a minute then turned her head and looked back at her monitor.

"You can come in." She whispered.

"I know, why would you do this?" I cried.

"You read the note, you know exactly why." Her voice was barely hearable.

"Yes I read the note, but that doesn't mean I understand why you could do this to yourself." I cried taking her hand into mine.

She winced at the pain and pulled away and rolled over so that her back was facing me. I held my tears back as they boiled in my eyes. I sniffled back my tears and walked to the side of the bed she was facing.

"I am not leaving you, whether you think I have or think I will I am staying right here with you. I love you." She looked up at me with no emotion in her eyes.

"I don't love you anymore, because of you I'm still here when I wanted to die. I don't want to be with you anymore." She rolled over again, my tears started to roll down my face and I rushed out of the room I passed her dad in the hall ignoring his yells for me as I kept yelling. I didn't stop walking until I reached my door I walked in and Aiden was sitting on the chair he jumped up and wrapped me in a big hug, because I had texted him telling him what had happened.

"It is okay Leah." He soothed.

"She told me she doesn't love me anymore." I broke down crying falling to my knees and he fell with me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2019 ⏰

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