Chapter 4 Final Words

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"Alright." Ed warned me, after what seemed like an eternity, "They're going to attach your nerves to the auto-mail." He bit his lip, unable to hide the worry in his eyes. "I'm not gonna lie to you; this part is the most painful, but it's one of the last steps. Just brace yourself and hold on; it's almost over." I didn't have any strength left to respond. I was already in so much pain that I doubted anything  could be worse. If only I had known how wrong I was. I had been allowed a few moments to rest, and to gather what little stamina I had left, but at a nod from Winry, Ed moved to hold me down again. Since I couldn't even find the strength to lift my head I doubted it was necessary, but I lost the strength to argue as Ed's auto-mail soothed my burns once more. "You ready?" He asked. My eyes met his hesitantly, but I managed to nod slightly. Ed nodded to Granny and Winry, who quickly moved to resume my torture. When they started connecting the nerves, I suddenly found all the strength I had misplaced. I lashed out, fighting for freedom, and Ed could barely keep me still. Compared to this, the pain I had just experienced was nothing. Every pain I had ever experienced in my entire life before this moment was nothing. At last I comprehended not only Ed's physical pain, but his torment when he had realized I would be forced to suffer the same fate he had. Ed had been put through this surgery at the age of eleven, and even remained stubbornly silent as his nerves were attached. Now, I marveled at his sheer force of will. I howled with pain; screamed until my throat was raw and my voice gave out. When I couldn't scream I whimpered, until even that became too great an effort. When I finally fell silent it was no stubborn show of strength; rather it was a lack of it. Ed squeezed my hand gently, and told me it was almost over. I don't know where I found the energy to hope, but somehow I did, taking courage in the fact that, whether I lived or died, this long agony was drawing to a close. One way or another, I was near the end. I was starting to feel dizzy and unfocused. Everything was slipping away... even the pain... even Ed... no, I didn't want to lose Ed... I whined unhappily as I fought the darkness threatening to envelope me. Even if it would end the pain, I couldn't accept anything that would separate me from him. But, despite my best efforts, the darkness continued to advance. I heard Ed panic as he realized he was losing me. "No! Come on, STAY WITH US!!" Ed begged, cursing as he realized it was hopeless. I heard Winry say they'd done everything they could, and they'd just have to hope I made it. I wasn't sure I was going to pull through, though, and there was something I still desperately needed to say. "Ed," I murmured weakly, hoping he heard me, "I love you." The last thing I heard was Ed's desperate prayer to the God he had always had trouble believing in, because he knew as well as I did that there was a very good chance I had just uttered my last words, and that I wouldn't wake up. Then, I slipped into oblivion.


Sorry for the short chapter! Like I said before it's pretty tricky to divide writing up when I didn't originally write it in a chapter format. The next one should be longer though. Should. no promises. 

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