♡Chapter 1 ♡

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Hello This is my first Fanfic, so I hope you enjoy. I'm completely obsessed with NearxMello; I will be writing many more chapters. Want to stay caught up? Follow me on Instagram: Mellhoe.river       If you want to get straight to the yaoi and drama, skip to chapter 2. Chapter 1 basically just introduces everyone. Anyway, enjoy the story.

Mello's POV:

I just arrived at Wammy's. Man, this place is huge. I have no idea what to expect
here, considering I've obviously never been to an orphanage before. All of the other kids are gathered in a large room, doing whatever it is you do here. I only have one suitcase; I don't have many possessions. I wheeled it to a bedroom, unsure if it's actually mine, but there was nobody around, so I just decided to wait there until someone finds me. There's no way I'm walking into a room full of strangers. I can't help but notice, this room reeks with the stench of cigarettes. What the hell!? I'm not staying in here! But before I can grab my suitcase, I notice a red head eyeing me from the doorway. My stomach dropped, this was truly an awkward experience, but I kept my cool. He stands there staring at me, so I stare back.

"I'm Matt..." he said.

"...Mello," I mumbled.

"You know," he said, "You're in my room,"

We stood there silently for the next minute or so, before he broke the silence. Thank God, that was getting weird.

"Well, do you need help going somewhere else? I can see you are new here," he said; but he wasn't staring at me anymore, he had gotten out a GameBoy and started playing on it; barely even paying any attention to me anymore.

"No," I said. Then I got my suitcase and pushed past him. As I was walking down the hall to the room where the others were, I noticed a young boy sitting in the middle of the floor. He had white hair, white clothes, and he was doing some kind of puzzle. What is up with all the damn creeps around here?
As I walked by, he paid no attention to me.

Right before I could open the door to the "main room," (or whatever the hell it's called, how should I know?) A bell rang. Everyone ran out of the room toward what I'm assuming is the cafeteria. I followed. Where were the freaking people who owned this place? I have no idea where I am, where to go, or who anyone is. I took out a chocolate bar and ate it alone in the hallway. I guess that was my lunch for today... not like I have a problem with that.

Near's POV:

I heard the lunch bell ring, but I didn't get up until I saw everyone else leave. I slowly arose from the spot in which I was contently doing my puzzle, picked up my robot toys, and walked toward the cafeteria, twisting a strand of hair with my fingertips. I picked up salad bowl with my left hand, and filled it; tightly clenching my toys under my right arm. I looked around. I had seen a new boy In the hallways earlier; although I payed little attention to it at the time, but he was nowhere to be found. I took my normal spot, alone in the corner of a small round desk, and began playing with my toys, but my curiosity arose, and I got up and went into the hallway. There stood the new addition to Wammy's, eating a chocolate bar.

"What do you want," he said; not even looking up in my direction.

I stood there, arms by my side, a toy robot in one hand.

"Well? What the hell do you want?" He repeated.

I looked at him. Who was this?

"Near," I said quietly.

"What?" He looked up.

"I am Near. What is your name?"

He paused, then he spoke slowly, "Mello,"

"Pleased to meet you, Mell- "

As I was talking, someone had pushed me from behind. I didn't bother turning around, I knew it was Matt.

Matt's POV:

In the hallway I saw Near talking to the new kid, What was up with this guy? First he goes into my room, and now he's sitting in the hallway eating a chocolate bar for lunch?

"Hey Mello, I'm Matt— oh wait you already knew that... from the room incident-

"ALRIGHT, I get it," he snapped.

"Well," I replied, "I found out you're actually assigned to be my roommate, how crazy is that? So I guess you were in the right room," I said, trying to lighten the mood.

"Oh goody, I get to inhale smoke all day, what a dream come true," said Mello, giving both me and Near a death stare before waking off to his, or our, room.

End of chapter one

I hope you enjoyed so far. I will be writing a chapter almost every day

I know this was a bit slow, but the interest will pick up in chapter two, this was mostly an introduction:)

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