♡Chapter 9♡

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Mello's POV:

I grip Near tightly, clutching him by the shirt collar as tightly as I can... his hands are on mine, desperately trying to loosen my hold on him, but I'm stronger...
Near shows no signs of panic, he only stares into my eyes, waiting for me to let go, but I don't...
This idiot, this damn idiot...
All of the hate I could ever feel is rushing through my body. I stare at Near directly in the eyes, not looking away...

Near's POV:

What is Mello so furious about now? What have I done to anger him? As my mind races, I am distracted from his everlasting clench on my pajamas...
Mello's long bangs barely reveal his eyes, glaring into mine. I have never noticed quite how bright blue they are... so hypnotizing...
As I snap back into reality, I realize something must be done now, before he decides to drop me...

"...Mello... what are you-"

"SHUT UP!" Mello yells, lifting me higher from the floor. I can barely stand...

My eyes are wide... what is he going to do? ...No... I don't care what he does, just get it over with...
I have studying to do, and nothing will get in my way, not even Mello...

Nobody's POV:

Mello begins to talk to Near in a quiet but fierce tone...

"...You ruined everything, you freak..."

Near says nothing, he just keeps looking into Mello's eyes...

"SAY SOMETHING, YOU CREEP!" Mello screams, lifting Near with all his strength. Near gasps slightly and grabs Mello's hands.

"...M-Mello..." Near says, forcing the words out of his mouth. He has no idea what Mello is planning to do, and he doesn't want to know...

Near's white hair is a mess, his eyes are dark, his skin is completely pale...

Mello looks down on Near, who is struggling to try and reach the floor...

"...Near... I don't give a shit about you, I don't care how you feel... I don't care if you die..." Mello said, tensely.

The two didn't move for a while, they just stood, face to face...

"...if you died... I would care," Near moaned, closing his eyes tightly...

"W-What? What the hell are you talking about?" Mello says, pulling Near closer to him.

"Matt told me... he told me what you did..."

Mello's grip on Near is instantly relaxed, and Near falls to the floor, breathing heavily.

"...Why the hell did you talk to Matt?" Mello asked, looking down on the young boy.

"I would prefer not to indulge on that subject, now, Mello..." Near says, holding his own throat.

"...You don't care, you idiot. You're just trying to make me like you, but guess what? I never will..." Mello says, grabbing Near's arm.

"...Mello... stop, what are you-"

"Shut the hell up, Near..." Mello said, getting on his knees beside him.

Mello looked Near in the eyes, and Near looked back into his... then suddenly, their lips locked. Mello was tightly holding Near against his chest, and Near slowly and gently wrapped his flimsy arms around Mello. They exchanged many small, sloppy kisses. Suddenly, Near pushed Mello off of him.

"What are you doing?" Mello asks.

"...We are in the middle of the hallway... we shouldn't do this here..." Near says, twirling his hair.

Mello sighed, got up, and started heading towards his and Matt's room...
As they walked down the long hallway, they didn't look at each other. The rug brushed against their bare feet and they quickly paced side by side, trying not to be seen by any other kids at Wammy's.
As they were walking, Near reached his hand out, trying to hold Mello's.
Mello didn't notice, he just kept his eyes looking forward, walking steadily.
Near barely touched Mello's arm and Mello looked over.

"What?" Mello said.

Near just reached for Mello's hand and looked up at him.

Mello hesitated, and then took Near's hand...

The two boys continued walking down the hallway, hand in hand...
A small smile crept along Near's face.

♡End of Chapter 9♡ I wrote this when I was half asleep so yeah... ♡ Instagram: Mellhoe.river

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