♡Chapter 6 ♡

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                     Sorry it took me a little longer to write this chapter,
but I've been working on a short story called MelloxMatt,
and it's all done and published, so check that out.
Ig is mellhoe.river, so you can follow me or not.
now into lé story.

Near's POV:

I'm still following Matt. He walks down the long hallway quickly, and I follow slowly...

"Hurry up, Near!" He says, looking at me.

I continue walking at the same pace, until we reach a room. It's Matt's room.
Matt opens the door and motions for me to go inside, so I do. As I walk in I start coughing heavily.

"What's up with you?" He asks.

"S- smoke," I say, coughing still.

"You'll get over it, we have more important things to discuss," he says.

"Ok," I reply.

"What the hell is your deal with Mello?"

"Deal?" I ask.

"You know what I mean!" Says Matt, angrily.

"Do I?" I ask, timidly.

"Yes, you do," he says, "What happened on that one night, I want every detail,"

"On which night are you referring to?" I ask, already knowing the answer...

"The night Mello "slept" in your room!" He shouts, as he stands up and looks down on me.

"Ah, Yes," I say softly, "he implied that he no longer wished to inhabit a room In which a smoker was... smoking,"

"That's a lie, you sheep!" He says, grabbing my shirt collar, pulling it as hard as he can, almost choking me.

"...no...Matt...you're the one who is lying," I reply, barely able to breath.

"Will you shut up?" Matt says, "I know something more happened, I can sense it,"


Nobody's POV:

"Fine, don't want to talk?" Matt says, intimidatingly.

Matt walks over to his bed and reaches under it, obviously looking for something, and he pulls out the robot toy of Near's that Mello had placed there...

"What's this? Huh, Near?" He says, waving it around.

"...careful with that..." Near cautions.

"Why don't you make me," Matt mocks, "You couldn't hurt me if you tried,"

"How did this get here, Near?" Matt asks.

There was no getting out of this, there just wasn't...

"...Mello placed it there," Near says softly.

"Why did he place it there, when did he do it, and why? Answer all of that," Matt says.

"It was a day after the... night... and I was in here and I gave it to him. He put it there because... well... to hide it from you I suppose, but I'm only assuming," Near responds.

"To HIDE it from me? That bitch!" Matt says, clutching the toy tightly.

"Matt, if you could just... give it back... then everything will be fine," Near says, looking up at Matt.

"You still aren't telling me everything, Near, tell me why Mello was in your room,"

"I already told you, it's because he did not wish to be among you," Near respond, reaching up for his toy.

"Dammit, Near!" Matt says, "This is your own fault!l

Matt raises his arm and throws the toy robot against the wall as hard as he can. The toy snaps, and pieces go everywhere. Near stares at it, and for once, he feels something...

Matt exits the room, slamming the door, leaving Near alone... Near is on the floor, curled up into a small ball, his head on his knees, crying.

 After a few minutes Near stops sobbing and wipes his eyes

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After a few minutes Near stops sobbing and wipes his eyes. He looks over at his broken toy and crawls to it. He gathers all of the pieces, puts them into his pocket, and slowly exits the room. Near slowly walks to his own room, dragging his feet, twirling his hair.
As he reaches his room, he creaks open the door and collapses into the floor. He pours out the pieces and runs to his little cabinet beside his bed. He reaches for a small bottle of Elmer's glue and some scotch tape. Near was a genius, yes, but when it came to repairs, well... that wasn't his "thing,"... but he had to do it, because there is no one to help this little pale boy... he sits alone in his room, tears slowly dripping down his cheeks as he tries to fix his beloved toy. He tapes the head back on, and glues all of the random pieces of plastic where ever they will fit. Then he stares at it. This particular toy was a special one, it was the first on he had ever received... when he was a toddler, not yet at Wammy's, Near had a sad background. His parents were strict, and they didn't care much for him. They never bought him any toys or played games with him or even spoke to him. However, one day, a boy at school had given Near this robot. He fell in love with it, it's all he ever played with, because he had nothing else. Near started to cry again, and cuddled up into a ball once more...

As he sits there, he hears the door creak open more. Mello is standing there, staring at Near. They don't say anything, and Near doesn't move, he just sits there...

"Are you ok?" Mello asks.

"...yes..." Near says softly...

End of Chapter 6 I decided to make this one more sad then usual. Comment what you think! Make sure to follow me on IG (mellhoe.river) and here on Wattpad

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