6. "third door on the right"

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A rough mattress, crinkly sheets and a warm but dirty pillow is all i feel as i begin to come back to consciousness. 

I sigh as i immediately put together the pieces together in finding out where i unfortunately have ended up once more. 

Sick Bay.

I slowly get up from my rest as i look at the nurse as i see worry spread all across her face.

"Millie honey, i know that i am in no right to ask any personal questions, but, what did the doctors say yesterday?". The nurse asks as she looks of to me with a sympathetic look.

"Oh umm...". I struggled to finds the right words as i had to think of a lie, as i was to embarrassed to say my parents didn't let me go. "The doctor said it was nothing serious...... and that it should uh-uh go away soon". I say blurting it all out in a hurry.

"Hmmm". Is all i get in response as the nurse soon walks towards me giving me a small plastic cup filled with water. "Drink up, you'll need it". 

I give a small nod of appreciation as i take the small cup and slowly swallow the liquid down, one sip at a time.

"We'll, feel free to leave at any time Millie. I advise you get home and get some rest." The nurse says as she walks towards the door probably leaving for the day. "Oh and thanks Finn. You handled the situation perfectly". 

Wait, what. Finn. I slowly turn my head to my right as i see Finn sitting down in a chair reading one of those injection brochures. He raises his head from the brochure as he looks back at the nurse saying. "No Problem, anything for young Millie here". 

"I'm like one year younger than you". I say laughing at his statement.

The nurse then leaves the room leaving Finn and i alone as i notice Finn staring at me with concern written all over his face.


"Oh nothing, just that i know your lying". He says as he looks at my looking disappointed.

"What! Lying about what". I say with a drop of annoyance in my voice.

"The nurse might believe you, but i see right through your lie". He says. I just return with a look of confusion. "So your telling me that the doctor said that there is nothing wrong and that this will just pass". 

"Well, maybe not exactly that". I whisper just loud enough for him to hear. I can't believe i lied. I don't like lying, all it ever does is cause pain and anger.

"What did he say then?". He asks as he steps closer to me and takes a seat next to me.

I don't look at him as i attempt to speak again, i try to think of a lie but i soon realize that it wont achieve anything.

"Okay, truth is i didn't go. My parents didn't let me." I say as i look at the ground in embarrassment.

"What!". Finn says with ferocity in his eyes. "Your telling me, that your parents didn't take you to the doctor even after the nurse told them too". He asks with anger in his voice.

I don't respond. I just can't. I try to defend my parents, like i always do. But its impossible. What they did just shows how invisible i am in their eyes.

I begin to feel tears build up in my eyes as i begin to sob slowly and quietly. It only takes seconds before Finn realizes as he pulls me over to him and engulfs me in a hug. 

This hug wasn't just a normal hug. It spoke a thousand words, even though nothing was said. I felt safe when in his arms, like someone is there that is willing to fight for me. For my well being.

Once we release from the hug, Finn stands up and walks towards the door, stopping before walking out. 

He gestures for me to follow as i look at him with a questionable look. "What? Where are we going?". I ask

"Too the doctors of course." He says with a smile on his face. "Im 18, im old enough to take you and i have my drivers license so i can drive".

I look at him as i finally feel as though someone finally cares for me. I can't control my gratitude as i jump up from the bed running over to him and hugging him once more. 

1 hour later

 We enter the dull, boring, plain building as we look around seeing a relatively empty room with many spare seats. We walks towards the middle of the room as a big table with the word 'reception' clear stated on the front becomes our destination.

"Umm. I know we don't have a booking or anything, but my friend here desperately needs to see the doctor". Finn says trying to sympathize with the receptionist. "She has been fainting so much recently and we need to get her checked out".

"Oh, well unfortunately the next available time is in 5 hours from now". The receptionist with the name tag 'Winona' says.

"No you don't understand, she needs to be treated now". Finn says beginning to get annoyed.

"Im sorry, there is noth-".

"No, your not sorry because your getting my friend here a doctor, and if you don't were gonna make your life a living hell". Finn says as he looks at Winona with threatening eyes. Although this may be a bit much. It sure does feel good to have someone sticking up for me.

Winona begins to look frustrated as she slightly sighs as she begins to talk. "Alright fine, just fill this in". She says giving me a clipboard and a pen.

I quickly fill it out as i enter some quick details about myself, giving the filled out sheet back to her.

"Alright, third door on the right". Winona says gesturing down the hall.

A big rush of fear rushes through my body as i begin to feel anxious while walking towards the door. Finn looks at me as he stops me before going any further noticing the scared look in my eyes. 

"Everything is gonna be fine". He says giving me a small smile of support

I suddenly feel at ease as i feel my hand being squeezed ever so tightly by Finn next to me. 

Oh how this boy gets me.

EDIT: Thanks so much for reading, hope that you guys enjoyed, i really appreciate any support that is given. <3 

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