19. "create new memories"

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It's currently midday, the day after the night i will never forget. Memories, emotions, feelings, still running through my head, causing what feels like a rainbow to shot through my body.

And it's all because of one person. 


Everything he has done for me has been nothing short of blessing. The way he treats me, makes me feel like i'm a princess being lead around the world by her knight in shining armor. Like if anything bad was too happen to me, he would make it better in a matter of seconds. And for that and many other things, he means the world to me.

"This better be the best view I've ever seen". I say, looking up at the enormous, mountain like structure that stands before me.

"Believe me, it is". Finn says, taking a step forward, announcing to me that it was time to start trek. 

After 20 minutes of climbing and hiking, i was told that we were around half way towards the top.

Mixed feelings built up in my body, as the news was both good and bad. 

Bad that it was still another 20 minutes of physical hardship, and good because it was 20 minutes of physical hardship, but hardship with Finn. 

"So how exactly do you know this view is so spectacular?". I ask

"Because I've been up here before". Finn says, as i immediately widen my eyes, surprised due to the fact, our hometown would be a long, long way away from here.

"When did you come up here?". I question the boy, almost interrogating him.

"I came down with my dad once on a business trip at a hotel just near here". Finn says, taking my hand, taking me off track, guiding me through a few bushes into a small clearing.

"Just there". Finn says, pointing towards a rather large building, probably 10 or so stories in height.

"Oh ok, so your dad took you up here". I say, starting to understand the connection. 

"Not exactly". He says, causing my eyebrows to jump in confusion.

"He told me to go explore my new surrounding's for around 30 minutes,  because he had a work conference call that he had to take, and he didn't want to be distracted by me. So i left the hotel and started looking around for anything that caught my eye. And i'm guessing you can guess what did". 

"I wonder". I said, sarcastically, earning a chuckle from Finn.

 But a few moments later, a different side to him came up, his eyes looked as though they were about to water, as he let out one more sigh before talking once more.

"So i decided to go back to the room and quickly ask my dad for permission to go, once i got there i slowly opened the door not wanting to interrupt the call, but i ended up interrupting something much worse. I saw him with a women. A women i didn't recognize. It was clearly getting passionate, so i ran and ran until i made my way towards the large mountain. I slowly but surely made my way all the way up to the top as i looked out. And i did something that i will remember for my whole life. I screamed. I Screamed so loud that the birds all flew away, clearly frightened by the sound. I will always remember that moment, it was the first moment i let my emotions run free, not holding back in the slightest."

"I never confronted my dad about that day, i didn't want too. I know i should have done so, for my mom's sake. But I'm almost certain she knows, all she has ever cared about was the money and the fame. She couldn't give two shits about myself or my dad". Finn says, as i wipe the tears away from my eyes.

Finn soon notices my sadness as he quickly makes his way towards me.

"Hey don't cry". He says in a smoothing tone. "Do you know why i wanted to come up here today?". He questions in which i respond with a shake of the head.

"I want to create new memories". He says. "New memories, with you". 

I quickly glance at the boy as he looks back at me with a small smile, which in turn, makes me laugh quietly.

"You always know how to cheer me up, Wolfhard". I say, wrapping my arms around him, enjoying his warm embrace, digging my head into his shoulder. 

20 minutes later

"Finally!". I scream as i begin to run towards the top of the mountain which has only recently come into view. 

Finn is currently, roughly hanging onto my hand for dear life as i forcefully make him follow me to the top, making sure that when i first see this view, i know he is right next to me.

"Oh my God". I say. "You weren't kidding".

The view was beyond belief. How the big town in which we were visiting looked so small from this point, blew me away. The mountains beyond the houses, providing a clue into the vast background in which most of the world that we live in today is unexplored. The thick, puffy white clouds that blocked the beauty of the bright blue sky made for a relaxing, cool breeze that stimulated all senses of the body. And obviously the most beautiful thing of them all. The boy standing right next to me. 

I place my hand into his, feeling it was the right moment to do so. He quickly squeezes mine showing the enjoyment he is experiencing right now. 

"What are we?". I ask Finn, turning away from the view and looking at him.

"Whatever you want us to be". He says, making me blush uncontrollably. 

"Together". I say, surprising not only Finn, but also myself as how quickly i responded. " As in Boyfriend and girlfriend". 

"I think i could work with that". Finn says, as he looks me in the eye, leaning his head towards me, placing his lips softly onto mine. 

Sure it was a short kiss, only a couple of seconds if i was to guess. But that didn't matter. That kiss represented to each other as well as the world that we had become one. An unbreakable partnership that was filled with passion, care and devotion.

"It sure is a good view". I say. "Boyfriend".

"Yeah, it is". He says. "Girlfriend".

EDIT: Thanks for reading everyone. Love your life and be who you want to be <3

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