27. "i guess this is it"

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Today marks the last free day of our journey, a journey in which some of my best memories have been created.

But like all good things, they must come to an end, and today is that day. And it is only fitting that we do something for our last day of freedom that is meaningful and significant.

I wanted to do something that will always remind me of the great times that i had, and how through this adventure, i was able to find what i really appreciated in my short life, and that was relationships and love.

And to do that, i needed something that i would remember, something that would be part of who i am. And i know what that is.


Yes, i am aware that it is very cliché, and don't get me wrong, the old me would've completely disregarded the idea. But, i feel like it is the perfect way to express the new me, the confident, happy one.

"Ready?". Finn says, as i nod taking his hand, walking through the door into the tattoo parlor.

We immediately spot a middle aged man, sitting in one of the chairs looking at us. Ink splattered all across his body, barely a piece of original skin showing.

He notices our hands and realizes the situation quickly.

"Ah, young love". He says. "Let me guess, matching tattoos". 

"No". Finn says bluntly. "Unless you want too?". He says, turning to me, asking for my approval.

"No it's fine, we'll get separate, thanks". I say, looking at the man. He gets up from his chair and walks over towards one of the station. He looks at us with a questioning look, wondering who would be going first. 

"Oh, yeah, ill go". I say, walking up, feeling a nervous itch run through my body, causing all kinds of discomfort.

I whisper what i want to the man as he nods his head, understanding quickly what i was after.

"This might hurt a little". He says. I immediately stiffen up, knowing that i wasn't the best with pain, i mean i'm not the worst, but i'm very far from the good.

A slight ache soon runs through my right shoulder as the tattoo gun begins to do it's magic.

The pain wasn't as bad as i thought. It hurt a little, but not to an extent that i couldn't bare it.

After 10 or so minutes, he gives me the all clear by giving me a encouraging thumbs up. He tells me that it might hurt for a couple hours, and that i shouldn't get it wet for that time. 

I give him a small smile of gratitude as i leap out of the chair, wincing a little at the pain, but not to much as i struggle to focus on the ache when their is a handsome young boy sitting in front of me looking at me as if i'm some sort of goddess.

"Soo.........". Finn begins. "What did you get?". 

I begin rolling up my sleeves, a little scared Finn will think that what i got was dorky or whatever, but the majority thinks he will like it.

"Where there is love, there is life".  

"Millie". Finn says, with a wide grin spread on his face. "That is the most beautiful thing i have ever seen". 

"I love you so much". He says, pulling me into a giant hug, one that i have become familiar with, but at the same time, feel like I've been so long without.

"I love you more". I whisper.


Finn is currently getting his tattoo done, as i sit watching him, as casual as you like, talk to the man while it is being done. I mean how on earth are you that calm. It wasn't the most painful thing, but it still hurt, and if you were to look on his face right now, you would think he is just sitting down watching T.V or something.

A Part Of Me // FillieWhere stories live. Discover now