9. "do something useful for once"

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Quick warning: A decent amount of mature language is in this scene

Finn had left my house a couple hours ago, it all was sorta a blur for me from the moment we stepped inside to moment he left. A roller coaster of emotions making it hard for me to remember. All i can recall is constant hugs and little messages of support, making me feel loved in a way i'd never felt before.

Ever since he left i have felt this stiffness in my legs that make it impossible for me to move. I'm currently sitting on the couch waiting for my parents to come home, they don't usually travel home together but some day's its just coincidence that they end up coming home at the same time. 

I'm not entirely sure how i'm gonna break the news, i'm scared about how they will react. I mean most families would all have a huge breakdown and support each other as much as possible, but i don't believe that will happen any time soon in my case.

20 minutes later 

Both my parents have arrived home at this point, my mom coming in a few minutes after my dad. I've been slumped down on this couch ever since they came home trying to build up the courage to tell them whats up.

I begin to remember something that Finn had told me when i was in his car. "You have to be strong". 

His words begin repeating in my head as a rush of adrenaline picks me up from my seat. 

"Mum, Dad, i need to talk to you guys". I say as i look over to them sitting down in the living room both reading separate newspapers. 

"Just a second". My dad says with annoyance in his voice.

"No, please, can we do this now". I say as i raise my voice showing the serious nature of the situation.

A loud grunt is heard as my father stands up from his position, shortly accompanied but my mom.

They take a seat down next to me as i look at them in worry. They notice the worry on my face, but don't seem to be phased. They give me an odd expression whilst my mom says "What is so important Millie".  

"Well i......... Well fainted again at school today". I say looking at the two waiting for them to react. 

"And......." My dad says with an unimpressed look on his face. My heart feels like it's squeezed as no tone of worry is heard in his voice.

"And.... I needed to go to the doctor". I say whispering towards the end. "So my friend Finn took me". I say.

A shocked look overcomes there faces as they look well and truly confused. 

"Why? Your fine, there is no point going to the doctor". My mom says as i look at her with fire building up inside me. 

How could my supposed 'parents' be acting like this. Like they don't give a shit about me. Oh wait, they don't give a shit about me.

I feel my body begin to be fill with different emotions as i jump out of my seat with one swift movement. 

"Im not OK you idiots!". I scream as exaggerating on the idiots part. I am immediately startled as my dad stands up making his way towards me. (No, nothing abusive is going to happen)

"HOW DARE YOU TALK TO US LIKE THAT!". He screams as he points his finger at me. "WHAT HAVE WE EVER DONE TO YOU, WE FEED YOU, WE TAKE CARE OF YO-".

"TAKE CARE OF ME?". I say as i laugh to myself. "BECAUSE OF YOU, I'M GOING TO DIE". 


It's a good 10 seconds before another thing is said, as the air in which we breathe begins to thicken due to the heat of the conversation. 

"DIE?". My father questions as he looks at me in confusion.

"Dilated Cardiomyopathy". I say spitting at them in anger. "It's when the hearts ability to pump out blood is to weak, this causes the heart to stop flowing blood probably". 

"And your blaming us?". My mum says.


I can't believe what i'm hearing from them, no guilt, no shame, no regret in there voices as they hear that their daughter is dying, and its because of them. Like what the hell.

"I have two months to live because of you two and im not gonna spend it listenin-". I begin to say while being cut off.

"Two months, well, maybe you could do something useful for once". My dad says while turning his back to me. 

My mum then begins to talk. "Oh and don't blame us for your weak heart, its yours not ours". She says while walking towards my father. 

Tears are now gradually falling from my eyes as my two parents, the people that are supposed to love and care for me have now turned their backs on me, their dying daughter.

"I've had enough of this shit". I say, i then begin to run upstairs releasing all my anger on the individual wooden boards as i make my way up.

I make my way into my room absolutely slamming the door behind me. I make my way towards my dresser as i begin chucking all types of clothing in my cherry red suitcase. 

All i can think of is getting out of here, how i can't take another moment of this toxic family. 

Once all my clothes are in the suitcase, i let out a loud sigh, releasing all the energy i had built up from the moments ago. 

I need to get out of this place, as soon as possible. But i can't tonight, i need to figure out where i will go and what i'm gonna do. 

So for tonight, i will sleep, well attempt to sleep. Knowing that i will soon be out of this shit hole for good. 

EDIT: Yeah, so alot went down this chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it though. Any feedback or support would be greatly appreciated. :)

A Part Of Me // FillieWhere stories live. Discover now