20. "my name is forrest"

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Today was relatively quiet due to the fact that we didn't really want to do much. We'll Finn did, but due to my legs aching after the big climb yesterday, i really wasn't in the mood to do anything outdoorsy. 

All we did for most of the day was talk about random things while driving through beautiful vast terrain, occasionally stopping for gas, and picking up unhealthy foods to eat.

But tonight was going to be special, because tonight was hopefully going to be the start of something great.

"It's an absolute classic, how on earth haven't you watched it". Finn says, in complete shock as we pull up to the large car yard with a humongous screen at the front. . 

"I don't know, i didn't even know Forrest Gump was a movie until you mentioned it". I say, earning a shake of the head from Finn which made me laugh slightly. 

"We'll you're up for a treat tonight. If being with me isn't enough already". He says, as my eyes roll at his cockiness. But i have to admit, his confidence was pretty attractive. 

Finn had earlier asked me on our first official date. He said, he had a great idea which included a drive in movie and some fancy meal.

But me being the lazy girl i am, i told him that i would rather just have dinner while watching the movie. Maybe KFC. Maybe McDonalds. Really any fast food would do.

"We'll here is your burger........ and your chips........ and your drink.......". Finn says rummaging through the small plastic bag. 

"Thank you, kind sir". I say, graciously taking the items from his hand and plopping them down on my lap. 

After a few seconds of silence, i see he's still looking directly at me with a look of playful confusion on his face. He then pops his lips out signalling to 'give him some sugar'. 

I let out a small groan as i give him a quick peck, immediately hearing a "thank you" after making me chuckle to myself a little. 

I begin to eat my burger, smashing it against my face, knowingly getting all kinds of sauces stuck near my mouth.

I hear a loud burst of laughter to my right as i turn to Finn seeing him absolutely losing his shit, looking up at me every few moments, laughing more and more every time he does.

"You have something......... well everywhere". He says, making me smile, knowing that i probably look so stupid right now.

He then pulls out a small napkin. "May i?". He says.

I nod my head, allowing access for my face to have a much needed clean. 

He begins wiping the napkin across my face, in places that were absolutely nowhere near my mouth.

I look him in the eyes, as i begin to get lost in the deep, mysterious, message in which they convey. How much pain these eyes must have endured. How they must be longing to see a face as beautiful as the owners.

"Stunning". Finn says, snapping me out of my gaze as i immediately question what he just said, not fully understanding the context.

"Stunning". He says once more. "You are stunning". 

I begin to move closer to him, only wanting nothing more than the feeling of his lips on mine, how he does this so often seems so amazing to me. 

A few inches is all that divides our two bodies as my craving begins to rise. I decide i need to go for it, before this chance is ruined. 

But just to my dismay

"Hello, my name is Forrest, Forrest Gump". (I would actually die if that interrupted a moment like that).

"Ugh" I let out, as the moment has well and truly been ruined. My head slowly backs away from Finn as his attention looks to be on the movie and the movie only. 

After a couple moments of watching the tall man sitting on the street bench, a voice startles me.

"Mills". The familiar voice says.

"Ye". I  begin to answer but am cut off by the lips that i most desperately needed. Taken back, my eyes are wide open. But as soon as the realization hits me that this is what i wanted. I melt into it, letting the atmosphere around us fill with happiness.

He pulls away with a smile permanently plastered on his face as he looks me straight in the eye and says "JENNY". I look at him in confusion, not only puzzled due to what he said, but also the way he said it. He said it in a really dull, boring almost stupid way that sounded completely off.

He realizes the look on my face as he begins to laugh loudly, which knowing me, and the way the boy makes me act, also made me begin laughing even though i had no clue what that was.

How this boy makes me happy.

3 hours later

The night had finished as myself and Finn were beginning to find ourselves yawning every few minutes. 

"We'll, i'm going to go to sleep". I say, climbing into the back, pulling the small lever on the side of his seat, that pulls it back. Creating a decently comfortable resting spot. 

"Night Mills". Finn says, still seating in the front seat, looking like he is finding it hard to find any somewhat relaxing position.

"Finn". I say as he replies with a small "mhm".

"Come here". I say, causing him to turn around and look at me with a surprised look on his face. 

"Your clearly not comfortable, so come here". I say, seeing him nod to my suggestion, beginning to climb his way to the back. 

"Oh and could you hold me, it's kinda cold". I say. "I swear i won't bite". 

"You won't, but i might". Finn says, as i quickly slap his arm, making sure that he knows nothing is going to happen tonight.

"Hey, i was just kidding". He says, as he lies down, putting his arms around me, and putting his head into my neck. 

A warm feeling enters my body as all the muscles in my body relax, knowing that i was safe in his arms.

"I lo...... I really like you". I say, hesitantly speaking out of my heart.

"I really like you too". He says. "More than you will ever know".

EDIT: Today this got 100 more reads, even though there wasn't an update, and to me that is amazing. You guys are truly the best and i am grateful for all the support that you give me through reads and votes. Thank you guys so much <3

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