Chapter 4: The Dollar Store

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As I wait for Lemony to arrive I decide to pay back my kitties for the amazing makeover they gave me.

I decide to go to the dollar store with a few of them so they can pick a few things out.

I grab kittie #34, #345, and #710. They are my favorites. I get my keys off the counter and head to the Kittymobile.

The Kittymobile is my car. I call it that because it is a minivan painted like a black and white cat with big plastics ears and a tail.Everyone in the neighborhood stares and points probably because it is such a beautiful car.

As I drive to the dollarstore I roll down my windows and turn on the radio. My favourite song by One Direction comes on and I sing along. I am a really good singer.

I stop at a red light when a guy  in the car beside me yells

"Shut up you crazy cat lady! you sound like a dying walrus when you sing! Have some respect for others ears!!"

I throw a hard cat toy at him as the light turns green. I see it hit is nose and he clutches his face as I drive away. Serves him right for making fun of my singing. After that I open up all of my windows and sing louder. A few people honk at me but I finally make it to the dollar store.

I walk in and grab a cart, placing my cats inside. I stroll through the isles and my cats sniff the things they like . I pick out a few things of my own as well. Of course people laugh at me but probably out of jealousy because my makeup looks so good.

When it is my turn in line I place all of my items on the counter.  I can't fit them all since I got 900 of each item for my 900 cats.The cashier stares at me and rolls her eyes.My mom used to tell me that is a sign of someone wanting to be your friend. I smile back as she scans all of the items.

"That will be $4690.24" she tells me trying to smile back

"WHAt?!?!" I yell in her face "It cant be that much!! this is the DOLLAR store!! Key word DOLLAR. so that means everything here should be a dollar!"

"Mam please-" she starts

I hiss and throw a dollar at her and grab everything off the counter and run to my car, my kitties following behind me.I shove every thing into my trunk and speed away as fast as I can.

I cant believe that woman. I would never pay that much at the dollar store.

When I get home I park my car in the garage just incase the police come looking for me by my car. I take my items out of the trunk and walk inside. My kitties greet me by meowing and scratching the furniture.

I give each kittie all of their items.  I bought 900 balls of yarn, 900 tuna cans, 900 cans of pop, 900 choclate bars for my cats and for me I got tape, glitter, pens, nail polish, cookies, kleenex and a new shirt. They have the cutest clothes there.

My kitties all thank me for thier items by purring exept for kittie #46 and I through her in the eating bin. Thats where I put cats that I want to save for my stew.

I decide to pass my time by cleaning my house. there is alot of cat hair and litter boxes to clean.

when I am done it is 7:00. I decide to wait for Lemony by finishing my episode of "Runway Wars".

After an hour the doorbell rings.

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