Chapter 5: The Date

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I walk to the door slowly and then open it. The man standing there looks like Lemony but isnt him. His skin is tinted green.

"Who are you?" I ask "Wheres Lemony?"

"Im Lime P" he says " Im taking you to your date with my brother Lemon."

"Um.. Ok then..Lets go!"

I follow him to the car and he drives me to a random restaurant on the edge of the city. He pulls into the small parking lot and stops the car.

"Ok. We're here." He mumbles. "That trip will cost you"

"Ok. How much?" I ask

"Uhhh.. lets make it $50 cat lady." He replies

"Ok." I say and take out my kiitie wallet.

"Nice wallet" He laughs

How nice of him! I've never gotten a compliment on my wallet before! I give him his money and a ten dollar tip. He grabs it from me and shoves it in his pocket.

"Ok, thankyou for driving me" I say exited for my date.

"Ya Ya. Just get out!" He yells.

I hop out of the car and before I have time to close the door again he speeds away.

I step back and look at the restaurant. It is an old crumbling brick building with a crooked burnt out sign that says "Geoffreys Diner."

There is a homeless guy sitting outside smoking with a dog by his feet. I wish my house looked like this. My cats would probably  love it.

I walk inside the empty restaurant and look for Lemony. I see him sitting at a table in the back with a black hoodie on just like the guy who drove me here.

I walk over to the table and he rolls his eyes.

"Hi!" I say.

"Oh god!!" he says" You look so ugly!! What are you wearing!! You look terrible and smell like tuna!!" He says and laughs.

" Why thankyou." I blush "You give the best compliments"

"My kitties were the ones who gave me the makeover! So you should call and thank them." I say and sit down.

"No thats ok!" He says

"No really you should!" I reply

I take out my phone and dial my kitties home phone.

"Meow meow meow" kittie #34 says.

"Hi to you too kitty. Listen, Lemony wants to thank you all for giving me this awesome makeover" I tell her.

I put the phone on speaker and hold it out to Lemony.

"Actually I need to go to the washroom. I will thank your kitties in a minute" He says and sprints towards the bathroom.

"Ok!" I yell after him.

I tell the kitties I will call them back and hang up the phone.

The waiter comes around then and asks for my order. I didnt have time to look at the menu.

"Do you have anything with cat in it?" I ask. I have only gone to a few restaurants in my life before.

"Ha ha. no." She laughs" Thats so funny. We do have chicken and beef."

"Oh ok, then just get me a water for now please." I tell her and she walks away.

10 minutes later she comes back with my drink.

"Here it is" She hands me my water. She sniffs the air and says "Is it just me or do you smell tuna?"

"No thats just my hair accessories!" I turn around and show her the tuna in my hair.

"Oh thats.. thats great" She says and plugs her nose and walks away.

I wonder where Lemony is.

Just  as I start to worry about where he is,  my sister Austrigina storms in through the front door.

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