Chapters 6 : The Date Part 2

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She looks around frantically for me and I hide behind my unicorn purse. She spots me and rushs over , furious , knocking down a table on her way over.

"What are you doing here??" She questions angrily.

"Umm..I'm. .uhh.. I'm just getting a late night snack." I lie.

"Oh no you aren't! I know what you're doing! You are on a date with my ex boyfriend!" She spits.

"No im not!" I lie again. How could she have possibly known where I was?

"Oh really." she yells "Then why did I just see him escaping through a window and practically sprinting across the road in front of my car?? Can you explain that to me? Can you?"

I start to cry. Did he really leave through the window when he said he was going to the bathroom. Does he really hate me that much?

"Your lying!" I scream at her "Lemony obviously likes me or he wouldn't have come on a date with me!"

"No! You threatened him! You know what he told me when I ran into him in the parking lot?"

She cuts me off before I can answer.

"He said he loves me! And we are dating again. So you obviously need to realize what has been right in front of you all along! He hates you! All those 'compliments' he gives you are insults!He hates you! He always has and always will. How could you be so blind about that!"

"Well then I hate you!!!" I scream at her. I reach out and scratch her face, I skill of anger I learned from my cats, and ran out of the diner.

It is freezing and windy as I walk outside. I should have brought a sweater. Maybe if my date went well, Lemony would give me his jacket.

I realize that Lemonys brother drove me here and I am stranded with no way to get home. I call a taxi to pick me up and sit down on a bench outside the diner and think about what just happened while I wait for it to come.

Did Lemony really hate me as much as Austrigina told me? Would he really leave before the first five minutes of our date? how could I not realize he didnt like me. I thought I loved him.

The taxi arrives and I get in.

"Take me to the nearest Walmart please" I tell him as i cry and he starts driving. I look back at the diner but I don't see Austrigina or Lemony.

The taxi driver drops me off at Walmart and I pay him before getting out of the car. I tell him to wait because I will need a drive home. I slam the door and my hat flies off my head from the wind. I am too stressed and heartbroken to pick it up.

I walk into Walmart and many stare at me. I ignore them and head for the candy isle. I pick out many choclate bars and candys and go to buy them.

The old man at the cash register gives me a free box of tissues and an air freshener and tells me I smell fishy? What is he trying to say. I walk out of Walmart with my shoulders hunched and sniffle as I walk back to the taxi.

I tell the man my adress and he drives me home. I cry the whole ride and he tells me to use the tissues. Who does he think he is? Telling me what to do like that? He's not my mom.

When he drops me off I pay him again and give him the air freshener since he will probably complain later that I stunk up his car.

I grab my keys and unlock my front door. When I walk in my kitties see that I am upset and leave me alone.

I quickly feed them dinner and hobble up the stairs to my bathroom. I look in the mirror and see that I look horrible. The wind and tears ruined my hair and makeup ,and my clothes are dirty. I must have sat in dirt on that bench outside the diner.

I take a quick shower and wash off my makeup.  The eyeliner is the only thing left of my kittie makeover and I change into my cat pj's.

I spend the next few hours on my bed watching funny cat videos, crying,and eating choclate. And soon I fall asleep thinking of unicorns and lemons.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2014 ⏰

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