Mystic Gang - and Electrike!

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"All right, then!" the man roared. "Go, Poochyena!"
I wouldn't make the same mistake twice.
"Go, Butterfree! Gust!"
Butterfree used Gust, but Poochyena hung on.
"Poochyena, use bite!"
Poochyena jumped upwards and its jaws closed on my Butterfree. My Butterfree struggled, but Poochyena wouldn't let go! That's when I heard a roar. I turned. Behind me was... Electrike!
It dashed forwards and gave Poochyena a powerful jolt of electricity. It fainted. The man got angry and tried to kick Electrike. But I shoved him backwards and Electrike was unhurt.
As for the man, he rolled down a steep slope and fell into a shallow river. He shouted something at me, but luckily I couldn't hear him.
I turned to Electrike. He was staring at me. Time to catch it!
"Go, Ralts! Confusion!"
Electrike dodged the attack, but he didn't retaliate. I had heard of something like this.
I threw a pokeball at it. It didn't resist at all. Looks like it wanted to be with me. Well, I took another trip to the pokecentre and healed my pokemon.
I also chatted with Ms. Joy who told me that the gym leader's name was Bennet, and was quite strong. He had a Scyther, a Beedrill and a Venomoth.
This would be tough. I bought myself two potions and went to the gym.
Bennet was standing on the battle ground.
He saw me and said, "Are you a challenger?"
"Then come on! Go, Venomoth!"
"I choose you, Electrike!"
Electrike came out of his ball and confronted Venomoth.
"Thunderwave, Electrike!"
The wave hit Venomoth and it sank to the ground. Fainted? No. Paralyzed? Yes.
"Come on, Venomoth, get up!" Bennet urged.
"Thundershock, Electrike! Again, and again!"
Venomoth fainted. Yes!
"Come back, Venomoth. Go, Beedrill! Fury cutter!"
Beedrill struck again and again, buffetting Electrike. Then, the most unexpected thing - for me - happened. Beedrill got paralyzed!
I consulted my pokedex. Apparently, Electrike's static paralyzed Beedrill.
Soon, we defeated Beedrill as well. But then...
"Go, Scyther!"

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