The Mauville Gym

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I walked in through the streets, looking at the map in my PokeNav every now and then. Soon enough, I found the Mauville gym. I walked through the door only to be greeted by a trainer. "Prove you are worthy to battle Carlos! Go Geodude!"
Ok, I decided. "Go, Ralts! Confusion!"
Ralts attacked the Geodude, but it wasn't very effective.
So I called back Ralts and sent out Sandshrew. "Use Slash, Sandshrew!"
The Geodude fainted. I had won the match. I collected my prize money and walked on. I could now see Carlos, the gym leader. I went up to him. "So you want to battle me? Ok then. Here you go, Geodude!"
"Go, Sandshrew!"
"Rock-smash, Geodude!"
Sandshrew fainted!
Oh no, I thought . I would have to send out Ralts to win this.
"Go, Ralts! Use Confusion!"
Geodude started wobbling and banging its head on the floor.
"Geodude, use Rock-smash!" Carlos shouted in vain.
Geodude grabbed a rock...and smashed it on its own head!
Then, Carlos sent out Onix!
Before the rain of rocks hit Ralts, I called him back.
"Go, Poochyena! Use bite!"
Poochyena ran to Onix and bit down hard on its tail. Onix started rolling on the ground trying to get rid of him, but Poochyena wouldn't let go! Finally, the rock broke and Onix fainted. But Poochyena was too tired and so, I called him back.
Next, Carlos sent out Graveller.
I thought it best to choose Electrike for this one.
"Go, Electrike! Use Voltackle!"
Electrike zoomed towards his foe, crackling with electricity. He slammed into Graveller, who crashed into the wall.
"Graveller, use Rock Tomb!" Carlos shouted.
Graveller through rocks into the air which would have fallen on Electrike, but Electrike moved out of the way and dealt another powerful Voltackle, fainting Graveller.
"Wow!" Carlos said. "I never thought you could defeat me. Here you go: the Mineral Badge, and the TM Rock- Slide."
Woohoo! I am awesome!

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