A Stone, A Florges and a Loss!

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Today, I got up way late at 9o'clock and I had to rush through my routine.
After looking for about an hour, I finally found the gym. As I entered, I saw the gym leader, Florgessy place a stone on a trainer's Clefairy. The Clefairy shone brightly and evolved into Clefable!
As I walked closer, the trainer turned to me. "To reach Florgessy, you need to get through me!"
He sent out Clefable.
"Go, Glade! Psychic!"
Clefable somehow protected itself and retaliated with a Moon Blast! Glade used Psychic to create a shield which deflected the Moon Blast. Then, Glade used Psychic to swing Clefable around and smash it into the gym wall. Then I stepped forwards to battle Florgessy.
Florgessy sent out a Clefable, and I chose Glade, who was already out.
"Come on, Glade! Psychic!"
Clefable fainted instantly! Whoa!
Then she sent out... a Florges!
"Glade, use-"
Before I could say anything, Florges used Razor leaf, followed by Moon blast! Poor Glade didn't stand a chance!
I called Glade back and sent out Manectric.
"Use Quick attack!" I shouted.
Yes! It hit!
But then Florges used a Moon Blast! Manectric fainted!
Similarly, all my pokemon were badly defeated. I quickly took all my pokemon to the Pokecentre, and got them healed. Then I called them all out. "Don't be sad, guys. We just lost once. It's not the end of the world, is it? Come on, we're goin' trainin'."
And as I stood there with my pokemon, I felt a special bond with my pokemon, which energized me and them...

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