Part 18

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Regina's time during work hours was suddenly consumed by the planning of the annual Mayor's Ball, which was confusing for her assistant. The mayor had never seemed to care about the event in years past, leaving nearly all of the decisions to the assistant. This year however marked the first time that Regina had showed interest in the ball at all, besides the date and time, since becoming mayor. During Cora's terms as mayor, the ball was the high point on the social calendar and only the elite were invited to attend. Regina had continued the tradition in nearly the same manner that her mother had, although Regina would rarely stay more than an hour at the ball, just long enough to make an appearance. Privately Regina detested the affair for its pomposity and blatant classism, the very idea that the attendees considered themselves the betters of the common folk made her nauseous. It disgusted her so much in fact that she refused to have the ball in the mayoral mansion as her mother had done, she had the event moved to the town hall, not wanting her house filled with snobs and stiff necked dullards.

Now, in her assistant's opinion, it appeared that the mayor had done a complete 180 degree turn in regards to her feelings for the event. Regina seemed almost energized in the planning of the ball, every detail was now carefully chosen even down to the lighting of the ballroom. The main concern of the mayor seemed to be the theme of the ball itself, whereas in the past it was simply a black tie event, it had now become a masqeraude ball. It would also be a complete masquerade as well, unlike typical masquerade's were half masks were worn and the identity of the person easily recognized, Regina was insisting that all attendees wear full masks that completely disguised the person. She demanded that the identity of each attendee be secret and unable to be determined by anyone, the only way to know who was behind the mask would be by that person revealing themselves on their own.

The assistant was required to make sure that each mask was unique and that Regina alone be given a list of who was behind each one. The final addendum was that one invitation be kept secret and the mask be given to Regina to deliver herself.

She felt elated and anxious at once about her plan and could hardly wait for the end of the day when she would deliver the mask. With a smile on her face Regina reviewed the latest budget for the parks department when a knock on the door brought her head up from the figures on her laptop to the figure of her mother walking into her office. Cora would not allow Regina's secretary to ever announce her, she was the only person who could invade the mayor's privacy that way and it angered Regina that her mother felt that she was entitled to. She knew that deep down Cora would always consider herself the real mayor of Storybrooke even if her daughter sat in the mayor's chair. Regina's mood immediately soured at her mother's unwelcome intrusion.

"To what do I owe this unannounced intrusion mother?" She growled as she closed her laptop, certain that no work would get done until Cora left.

Cora gave her practised smile as she sat down opposite her daughter. "Why my dear, some might get the idea that you are less than pleased to see me." Cora's eyes flashed a warning to Regina that her mother would not tolerate any sass from her daughter right now. "I understand that the ball will be a costume party this year." She said with obvious disdain in her tone.

"It is not a costume party." She growled, her jaw clenched like a vice. "It is a masquerade ball, and I am quite sure that it will prove elegant enough for your wealthy friends."

Cora smirked as she raised her nose higher. "Well I should hope so darling, a barrel filled with water so people could bob for apples would make you the laughing stock of Storybrooke." Regina's smile to her mother was blatantly fake and her eyes clearly indicated that she was not amused at all.

"Well mother I think you have met your quota today for belittling me and questioning my competence." Regina began to open her laptop. "Now if that will be all, I really need to-" Cora raised her hand and shook her head effectively cutting her daughter off.

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