Part 25

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A/N: Sorry it has taken me so long to update, but I promise things are getting better! My novel is on its second draft now and I am finally able to get back to this story! So thank you for sticking with me!

"Is something wrong sweetie?" Emma's mother had been watching her daughter slump her way around the kitchen as she poured herself a cup of coffee. Emma's shoulders were hunched and her lips were turned down at the corners. Mary Margaret had a feeling that she knew what was bothering Emma but she would rather her daughter tell her than have to pry it out of her. "Earth to Emma. Emma?"

"What? Did you say something?" Dull green eyes focused on Mary Margaret.

Mary Margaret looked up at her daughter from her wheelchair with a sympathetic smile. "Emma, why don't you just go to her?" Emma looked puzzled.

"Who? Regina? I was just there this weekend to see her and Henry." Emma replied in confusion.

"Yes, but with the time it takes to drive there and back, couple that with time spent sleeping, how much do you really see each other? Then when you come back you are dragging yourself around for the first half of the week and then bouncing off the walls the next half because you're so anxious to see them again. That's no way to live Emma."

Emma rolled her eyes as she took a long sip of her coffee, she prayed that the caffeine would activate right away, she wouldn't admit it to her mother but she did feel like a zombie, not alive but not yet dead. "I have a job here mom. I have to work."

Mary Margaret crossed her arms. "You can get a job anywhere Emma. You don't have to stay here, what is the real reason?" Mary Margaret raised her hand slowly to her mouth. "It's not me is it? You're not staying here because you feel you need to take care of me are you?"

Emma shook her head. "No mom that's not the reason." She knew the real reason why she was unable to leave home. She was scared. They had gone on a few dates together since everything began to settle down and if Emma was being completely honest with herself, things had not gone well. Their conversations had felt stilted, there were long periods of silence and awkwardness.

Those uncomfortable encounters were now resulting in Emma pulling away from Regina emotionally. It upset her tremendously to think that perhaps she had put Regina on a pedestal for too long and now that they had a chance to be together perhaps the fantasy was better than the reality. The question dogged her at work and kept her up at night while she stared at her ceiling on her bed.

Did they really belong together?

Mary Margaret looked at her daughter and could see the turmoil churning inside her. She knew her daughter had issues with commitment in relationships, whenever things got serious Emma would run. Although Lily had been Emma's longest relationship, Mary Margaret had still gone through a lot of midnight freak out talks with her daughter.

"Emma." Mary Margaret took her daughter's hand and spoke softly. "You're getting in your own way. You are looking for problems where there aren't any. You and Regina have a special connection, and now there is nothing standing in your way except your own fear."

Emma looked down at her coffee mug and stared at the dark brew in silence.

"He is such a big boy!" Ruby held Henry high above her head in her arms, earning giggles from the happy child. "Yes him is! Yes him is!" She attacked his belly with raspberries causing the six month old to laugh uncontrollably.

Regina smiled broadly as she watched her best friend play with her son. Well, Henry was their son really. Her's and Emma's. Ruby noticed the thoughtful look on Regina's face just then and grinned knowingly.

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