Part 21

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Cora watched as Belle spoke intently into her phone. They hadn't left Robert's office and while Cora sat on a chaise lounge, handcuffed, near one of the bookcases along the walls, Belle was pacing back and forth only occasionally glancing at her captive.

"I've tried calling Agent Booth several times and all I'm getting is his voicemail." She went silent as the person on the other end of the call spoke. "Yes, the other agents have moved into town and are making arrests as we speak, most of the suspects are at the mayor's ball." Another pause and Cora began to grasp how grave her situation had become. "The Coast Guard is in position and have allowed the ship to dock. There orders are to wait until the cargo is being unloaded and then move in." Belle was speaking again. "Yes, the roads out of town have been blocked, Robert Gold is not going anywhere. But I am worried about Agent Booth, he is supposed to be running point here."

Belle had stopped pacing and had turned her back on Cora. She might have a pretty face and a sexy bottom, but this girl needs to pay more attention. Cora thought to herself as she inched her way slowly toward the bookcase. This home was designed by Robert and he had many escape routes built for emergencies like this. Quietly she stood and backed herself toward the books, never taking her eyes off Belle's back for an instant. The foreign agent was focused on whoever she was talking to and Cora took her chance. She found a button on one of the shelves and the case quietly slid open allowing her to slip behind it.

"I would go look for him myself but I am here with Gold's wife." Belle turned and saw the chaise lounge was empty and that Gold's wife was gone. "Um, I'll call you back." She ended the call and raced out of the office, looking up and down the hall frantically. "Shit."

It looked and felt a lot like Christmas to Emma, the flashing red and blue lights of all the Bureau cars surrounding the Town Hall mixed with the elation she felt inside made her feel like a kid again. She and Regina stood, hand in hand, near the entryway of the Town Hall watching the FBI agents arrest the ball attendees as they ran from the exits. Emma and Regina laughed aloud as they watched certain members of the upper class of Storybrooke get handcuffed and shoved in the back of gray unmarked sedans. Judge Spenser, Dr. Whale, council members, business owners, lawyers, no one was going to be spending the night in their own beds.

Emma looked over at Regina and saw the light in her eyes. Regina's sparkling eyes and easy smile let Emma know that she was finally free. It was a sight that took Emma's breath away and she felt privileged to be there to witness it, and she would remember how beautiful Regina looked just then for the rest of her life.She felt almost disrespectful to have to interrupt the moment because of how gloriously beautiful she looked, but she cleared her throat anyway.

Regina turned to look at her with a smile, waiting for Emma to say what she wanted to say.

"Regina? Is this a dream?" Emma's light brown eyebrows wrinkled under her blonde ponytail. "I mean, because if it is then I am going to be so pissed when the alarm goes off." Regina chuckled happily and untied her fingers from Emma's and touched her pale cheeks that were dotted with tiny freckles that were nearly invisible, with both hands as she looked deeply into the green eyes that were speckled with gold.

"I assure you my love, you are very much awake and this is definitely happening." She spoke softly in that low sexy tone that drove Emma wild. "We are free darling." A tear fell slowly from her eye and rolled down her smiling face. "We are finally free to be together Emma."

Emma began to tear up as well, there was also a lump forming in her throat. "It's about damn time." Emma's voice wavered as she smirked, then she seized the opportunity to grab Regina by the back of the neck and pull her into a hard kiss. Regina quickly wrapped her arms around her and squeezed her tightly.

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