My Blue Eyed Innocence...

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The sound of drops hitting my ceiling was so calming. The sunlight that hits your face so warm, yet gentle. The thing is I'm not aloud to think those things, its stupid. My parents say that its weird to even think about things when u could watch it on our new tv screen. It sounded silly when they said that but i guess there right. The silver piece of equipment landed lightly right on our entertainment center. I sat down on our couch and pressed the on button. It started to glow the color red and flash of light went on the wall. It read: starting up...

I sat there waiting patiently when my mother came in and sat down next to me. Her curly dead end hair smashed me in the face as she turned to face me.

"Did your hear that they have a weather channel just for you!" she said sarcastically. I turned to look that the TV was now on. I looked at the instruction booklet and went to the back where the Chanel's were . My mom ripped it out of my hands.

"Here it is!" she pointed. She grabbed the remote and held down a button. "341." she yelled almost blowing out my ear drum. The thing changed screens and I saw the rain on the screen. It was truly amazing.

"You've only got an hour, my girls are coming over." She trailed out of the room. I was still so fascinated with the weather on TV. It was so cool, but I cant feel it like I could out side.

I only felt the rain once, I was ten. I wish i could remember what it felt like, but it was so long ago. Im seventeen now, in high school, just moved here. I was hoping it would be different however, it was the same. Starting at a new school is going to stink, hopefully i make friends fast, I don't want to be the awkward one that stands out.

"Jessica its dinner!" my father yelled from the kitchen. I rolled my eyes knowing what it was, it was the same thing every night. Take out...

I walked into the kitchen and sat down grabbing the bag of grease.

"And he was like no way!!" my mother yelled across the table. "It was so funny." my dad started laughing followed by my mom. Great another pointless conversation I thought to myself as I looked in the bag my mother had gotten me. Another hamburger and fries, how fantastic.

"Are you ready for school tomorrow?" I snapped out of my daze and nodded while I ate.

I quickly finished and ran up to my room. The walls were dark, plain, with nothing on them, not even windows. My room is light blue, and a bit small. I had a flat TV screen three thousand on my small entertainment center. It was just like the one down stairs but smaller. I turned on my alarm and laid down on my bed.

"I hope school goes well tomorrow." I said out loud and fell asleep.

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