Third day..

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"Beep beep beep!" stupid alarm. I slammed down on the button, stretching. I turned on the light, god I need to hurry Im picking up Eli. I said out loud, I started laughing. I quickly picked out my clothes. I wore a black t-shirt with my favorite band on it Skillet, dark skinny jeans and converse. I grabbed my bag and ran outside, flew into the car. Pressed the button, and I was there in to seconds flat. I jumped out of the car. I saw the green grass and flowers over in the corner. I walked on to the pavement that led to his house, I slid my feet against it. Weird, Its all rough. I wasn't sure what to do when I got to the door. I put my hand on the nob and started to move it back and forth to see if he answered. I waited a few minutes, I looked over at the flowers. They were so pretty. I got bored waiting so I walked over to the flowers. I touched the petals, they felt so weird. The stem had huge points on them. Those flowers were scary.

"What are you doing?" I turned around and saw Eli standing before me.

"I was looking at those.." I pointed at the flowers.

"The roses?" He laughed. "I planted those a while ago.." he said bending down looking at them. Wow he made those.

"You did that all by yourself?" I asked. He slowly moved his gaze over at me.

"Yeah I did.." he said softly. "Its getting late, we better get to school." he got up with his bag, following me to my car.

I started to think about that dream I keep having, its killing me. I don't know what it means.

"Have you ever felt rain before?" I asked, I don't even know where that came from. I was looking out on the street where I parked.

"Yeah I have almost every time it rains, why!?" he asked moving around in the passenger seat.

"I don't remember what it feels like, wont you tell me?" I felt my heart pounding as I waited for his answer.

"Its just wet and cold.." not exactly what I was hoping for.. He saw my disappointment.

"You wanna come over after school? We could do real things instead of sitting on our butts and doing nothing.." I laughed.

"Sure, sounds like fun.." I chuckled at his silly expression. We got out of the car and ran through the glares and straight to homeroom.

"See you!" I said waving at him, he turned around and waved back laughing. I walked into homeroom and sat down. When I saw Erica walk into the room she was pissed, she looked over at me and seemed angry. I looked down trying to hide, she sat down right next to me.

"What did I tell you about hanging with that loser!" wow even when shes mad she screams.

"Because he's kind, and doesn't ask me to do drugs with him.." I said turning my head towards the door. Why wasn't he in all my classes?

"Fine! What ever.." she said as the bell rang. I got up running to history class. God I can do what I want, she cant just tell me what to do! Can she?

"I hate this place!" I yelled to no one in particular, I was by myself in the hallways after lunch. The ceiling just seemed so interesting to me, though it hid the rain that was outside. I looked down at the floor, another boring day... I felt this wetness fall on my face, is that the rain!? I looked up at the ceiling, its leaking?! I got up moving out of the way. I watched the water splat on the floor, amazing I thought. I put my hand out and waited for the rain to reach it. The cold drop of ice touched the base of my finger tips. I shivered, wow its freezing!

"Hey.." I heard someone say behind me but I was busy waiting for the next drop. It fell down again I closed my eyes, it was the best feeling I ever had.

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