The Boy Who Killed Part Six

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"Please, don't hurt me!!" Teresa yelled.

Autumn was on the floor and could hear Teresa yelling and trying to escape Brandon. It still made no sense to her whatsoever how he was alive. She had found him, saw all the blood and his slit throat. There was no way he was alive. But there is one thing for sure, that he was very angry. Autumn got up, grabbed a book that was lying beside her, and started walking towards where Brandon was standing. He was about to kill Teresa.

"HEY!!" Autumn yelled at Brandon. "Leave her alone!!!" She yelled as she threw the book at him. He looked at her with a very angry look on his face. "Uh oh," she said, thinking that that was probably a bad idea.

She ran out of the room and down the hall trying to escape. But everywhere Autumn went, he followed. There was no way she could try and hide from him he was too fast, and smart.

Autumn found a small vase with a flower in it and threw it at him. Getting him right in the head and knocking him down. She bulleted. Autumn has seen way to many Horror movies to know that if you knock down the killer, you run instead of seeing if he really is out. She got to the staircase to see that he was just getting up. She started running down the staircase. She got to the end and ran towards the kitchen to grab a knife. Autumn almost got to the kitchen when she run into someone, or something, and fell to the ground. Autumn looked up to see Ethan and Drake standing in front of her.

"Ethan!!!" Autumn yelled as she quickly got up and hugged him.

"Autumn!!" He yelled, hugging her back.

"Well," Drake said staring at them. "We found Autumn." He said. "But maybe we should find Brandon now before he hurts, or kills, anyone else." Drake said.

"Yeah, okay" Ethan said letting go of Autumn.

"He is upstairs, I knocked him down." She said.

"How?" Drake said surprised.

"I threw a vase at him," Autumn said, very proudly.

"Oh okay," Drake said handing Autumn one of the weapons he had in his hands. He gave her a knife while he had an ax. Ethan picked up the gun he had dropped on the floor.

"Where did you guys find these?" she asked them, looking at the weapons each of them held in their hands.

"I found the ax by the fire extinguisher," Drake said holding up his ax. "And the gun in one of the drawers," he said pointing at the gun in Ethan's hand with his ax.

"And the knife in the kitchen," Ethan said in a funny way that made us all laugh a little. He always got everybody to laugh when things were down. Even if there was a killer after them.

"Okay, let's go find him before he finds us," Drake said as we headed towards the stairs.

"Too late," Ethan said as they all stopped at the bottom of the steps. All three teens looked up at the top of the stairs to see Brandon standing there, with a bloody knife in his hands and someone's bloody sweater.

In an instant Autumn realized that that is Teresa's sweater all bloody.

"NO!!" she screams at the top of her lungs plunging towards the stairs trying to get up them, but Ethan and Drake hold her back.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?!" she yelled again, Ethan and Drake still holding her back from doing anything stupid. "It was all my fault," she said under her breath and finally calming down a little, Ethan taking her in for a hug. "I left her alone while he was still up there," she said into Ethan shirt, tears falling out of her eyes and onto her cheeks. "She's dead because of me," Autumn said, her voice muffled into Etha's shirt.

"Shh," Ethan said, "It's alright, you did your best to save her. Now all you can think about is the place she is in now." Ethan was petting her head now.

Autumn finally look up from where she was and saw that Brandon was starting to come down the stairs.

"Sorry to break up this lovely moment but um, we should probably run before he kills us as well," Drake said nodding and starting to walk backwards into a run.

"Yeah," Ethan said letting go of Autumn, grabbing her hand so they could run before Brandon kills them.

They all get to the basement and notice that they are trapped with no other way out but the way they had come in.

"We're going to have to fight him if we want to get out," Ethan said pushing Autumn behind him as if he was trying to protect her. He held his gun up near the door and waited for when Brandon would open it.

"Good idea," Drake said stepping beside him, grabbing his ax like he was about to swing a baseball bat at a pitch.

Autumn clenched her knife, ready to pounce even though she was behind Ethan and Drake. Then they hear pounding at the basement door. The door flies open and in walks Brandon, ready for his next kill. 

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