The Boy Who Killed Part Seven

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Brandon walks down the staircase towards them and Ethan is ready to shoot him.

"Wait," Autumn says grabbing Ethan's hand and pulling it down towards the ground of the basement.

"Brandon," she said stepping out from behind Ethan. He looked at her. "How are you alive? We found your body," she said very confused and would like to know how he is alive.

"Yeah," Drake started. Brandon turned to look at Drake now. Drake looked scared.

"We," he said pointing at him and Ethan. "Found your body and put it in a wheelbarrow. It is outside with Mr. Stilinski and my brother, Josh" Drake said, trying to act tough but didn't turn out so well. For Drake had squealed a little when Brandon, or whoever he really was, moved closer to him.

Brandon opened his mouth and words actually come out of it.

"You got me," He said lifting up his hands where they could see them as if they were the police or something. The look on his face was creepy. His smile was more like a smirk and he had this killer like the expression on his face that made chills go up Autumn's spine.

"I am not Brandon," He said with his hands still up in the air. They all looked at each other, mouths curved into a confused expression.

"For I am a mere boy," said Brandon as he started to turn into a little boy, about 11 or 10 years old.

"What is your name?" Ethan asked the boy that was now standing in front of them.

"Maybe instead of worrying what my name is, you should be worrying about what I am going to do to you," he said with a really creepy grin on his face.

This boy may be 11 or 10, but he is a complete psychopath. He probably escaped from a mental asylum or something, Autumn thought.

"What are you going to do to us?" Drake said backing up a little ways away from the boy.

"You'll find out soon enough," He said getting a little closer to them. They all backed away at the same time, Autumn going back behind Ethan.

It is complete silence and the teens were still backing up when all of a sudden they had stopped.

They hit a wall.

Now there is nowhere else to go. They're all dead.

"Say bye," The boy said waving his hand like he is saying bye to them. "What a creep" Drake whispered as to make sure the boy couldn't hear him and get even angrier.

"I don't think so!!" They all turned their heads to look up at the top of the stairs. Josh is standing there, holding a candle in one hand and an old torn up book in the other. Behind him is Mr. Stilinski, holding Brandon's body.

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