Chapter 14: Broken

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I'm so into you, Ariana.

Was all I texted. Then this happens. It's my fault. I fucking hate myself for it.

The only person I truly deeply like got in a car accident because of my text message. If I didn't send that text, then it wouldn't have happened to her. Fuck, this is terrible.

I only dated Hailey to end rumors with Ariana and I. Even if we were to become a thing later on, I would not want rumors still hang in the air. I hate rumors, and I fake dated Hailey to get rid of them. It was the worst decision.

Dating Hailey also could have been the problem. Ariana was crying and driving at the same time. Her vision was blurry and I made her get in the accident by texting her.

I skipped school for her. I sat in the waiting room. I was so stressed out.

I found out because I tried running after her. I gave up but then I heard a crash so loud. The crash happened so close to school. Down the road from school.

That's why I was the first one to the accident. And that's why I was the first one to call police.


I knew I couldn't get to her. I might as well as tell her later. I feel so bad for her.

Her eyes were watering. Ariana looked so hurt. I didn't mean to hurt her.

I got out my phone and went through my contacts. I found her because she was the first on my contact list. I texted her.

A few seconds later, I heard the school bell ring along with a really huge crash. My heart dropped as I knew it was coming from where Ariana was. I made a huge mistake. I shouldn't have texted her.

I ran as fast down the road. I kept running and running until I saw that familiar White Mercedes, crashed into a pole. Smoke was coming out of the car and the car was smashed on the front.

My heart dropped and I ran over to the car. I felt a lump in my throat as I saw that brown hair that I always loved laying next to. I saw blood running down from her head, she had cuts and bruises all over herself.

"Ariana?" My voice cracks.

She isn't awake. I grabbed my phone and dialed 911. I peeked through the broken window and saw that her phone was still on. And it was on the message screen, on my text.

I swear I almost dropped to ground, but there was glass everywhere.

911 what's your emergency?

"Help, my- my- girlfriend, has been in a car accident on central street. Please come immediately!" I said into the phone.

I hung up. I sat on the ground where there was no glass. I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed.

I felt so guilty for calling her my girlfriend, but it had to be done. I feel like it could make me have an advantage of seeing her more. My breathing went faster and I could hear myself breathing now.

My vision became blurry because of tears. I started shaking a little. I felt tears drip down my cheek. This was an unfamiliar feeling. I haven't cried in years, and I'm not exaggerating.

I was having a panic attack. And this rarely happens. I stood up and paced back, and forth. I took deep breathes and counted from 1 to 3 like my therapist had told me to when panic attacks occurred.

I heard sirens and ambulance coming. I turn around and saw police cars and an ambulance. I finally had calm myself down.

I begged to go in the same ambulance as Ariana, and as much begging it took, it worked. I sat in the ambulance with Ariana and held her hand.

And that's how I am here. I also broke up with Hailey via text, so that's good. She was just a sex toy to me.

"You may visit her now." The nurse says, snapping me out of my thoughts.

Its been exactly an hour or two since I've been here. I'm guessing she's awake or not even awake at all. I stood up and walked in.

Her body was covered in scars, cuts, and bruises. At the sight of seeing her like this wanted me to have another panic attack. I sat down on the chair.

"Hi." I hear an angelic but raspy voice say.

I looked up at Ariana. She had a small smile on her face. I held her hand.

"Oh my god, I'm glad you're awake." I said, smiling a little.

"I'm sorry." She says.

"No, I'm sorry."

I explained her everything, and she accepted my apology. I grab her hand and pecked it.

"Can I see my mom?" Ariana asked.

"She's not her-

"Oh my god, Ariana!" Her mom ran in.

I spoke too soon.

"Hi mom." She says.

"Oh my poor girl." I got up, letting her mom sit down.

I heard the door open. I turn around. It wasn't a doctor or a nurse. It was a man.

Their heads turned. I continued looking at him.

"Edward?!" Her mom spoke.

Edward? Who's Edward?

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