Chapter 19: Talk with Mom

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"What was that for?" Sean blushed.

"My ex is right there. I'm trying to make him jealous and regret what he did to me." I said.

"Oh." Sean looks at Justin who was still looking at us.

Sean clenched his jaw. "I'm just going to act like your boyfriend now... so your ex-

"Yeah, okay." I grabbed his hand and we leave.


"Thank you." I smiled.

"No problem, Ariana. I'll see you later." Sean smiled back, leaving.

I entered my house.

"Where were you?" Mom asked.

"Justin cheated on me. So I needed to clear my mind." I said, feeling a lump in my throat.

"Aw, my poor baby." Mom says, hugging me.

I hugged her back. I let all my tears out. This isn't the worst breakup ever though. Jason hurt me the most.

"Go clean up, okay? And we'll talk after." Mom says.

I cleaned up myself, but once I got back to the living room and sat down, I started crying my eyes out. It hit me harder this time. He cheated, with my friend.

"Tell me. From the start."

"Well, I lied to you first of all. I didn't spend the night with Justin. I just went to a party, and we hung around n' stuff. The next morning I woke up and Justin wasn't by my side. I heard noises from the bathroom and-" I took a breath, "He was doing all the things to pleasure my friend. MY friend."

"My poor baby. I'm going to hurt him." Mom says.

"Mom, please don't." I frowned.

"So who was that boy you were with?" Mom asked, "He looked a little older."

"Oh, um, I met him a few hours ago after I left the party bus. Yes, we partied on a bus. I was crying, and Sean, him, he noticed so he helped me. Throughout the day we got to know each other more and more." I said.

"Ohh, okay." She says. "I'm sorry sweetheart. If Justin comes near you, he's going to regret it." Mom says.

I let out a small giggle. I hugged mom.

I love my mom.

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