Chapter 22: Caught

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"When are you going to apologize to Kendall?" Justin asked.

"Don't know. Probably after the weekend is done. I've been avoiding her since May Vacation." I said.

"You guys should meet up soon. I don't think school is the best place." Justin says.

"Yeah... probably tomorrow." I said, "Since it's Monday." I grabbed my phone, texting Kendall to meet up.

She read it but didn't respond. I frowned.

"Maybe she's thinking of something to say." Justin says, peaking at my phone.

Justin sits up. I turn off my phone and set it on my desk. Justin and I stared directly into each other's eyes.

"I never forgot how beautiful you are." Justin says.

"You still look the way I left you." I said. "Cute, adorable, hot-

I was cut off by Justin between my thighs, connecting his lips with me. I kissed back and our lips moved together. Justin took off his shirt.

After a few seconds.... or minutes, I heard someone walk in. I kept kissing Justin.

"ARIANA!" Mom yells.

Justin quickly pulls away.

"Mom." I awkwardly say.

"I told you to stay away from him! He will break your heart again." Mom scolds.

"But we're just friends now... we just had a moment." I awkwardly say.

"Justin, GET OUT OF MY HOUSE! You broke my daughter's heart, and we never want to see you again."

"Mom!" I exclaimed.

Justin stands up and grabs his shirt. He quickly puts it on before leaving. Mom looks so angry. I've never seen her this angry before.

"Mom, what the fuck?" I stood up.

"He hurt you. I'm not allowing that." Mom raises her voice.

"He won't hurt me again! We're just friends now." I raised my voice.

"Yeah 'friends' the next time I catch you guys, you're going to be kissing or having sex." Mom says.

"You can't tell me what to do." I yelled at her.

"You're my daughter! YOU have no control over me!" Mom slaps me, making me wince and put my hand on my cheek.

"Fuck you." I spat in her face.

What happened? Did I just do that to my own mother?

"You can't do that to me!" She yells in my face, making me flinch.

"I'm leaving." I said, grabbing my phone and walking out.

"You're not." Mom says.

"Watch me."

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