Chapter 16: Him & I

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The Next Morning

"I don't want to go babe." Justin frowns.

"You spent the night. You have to." I said, playing with his hair.

"Please?" He says with puppy dog eyes.

"No, babe you gotta go to school." I giggled. "Ow fuck."

"Omg, babe are you-

"I'm fine. It just hurts when I giggle. That's all." I said.

"Well. I guess I should go then. See you later." Justin says.

"Bye bitch." I said.

He pecks my lips before leaving, making my heart flutter. I didn't realize that a nurse was watching us the whole time. Awkward.

Justin's POV

"You and Hailey broke up?" Alfredo asked.

"Ugh. I'm glad. Now I'm with Ari." I smiled.

"I'm happy for you bro." He smiled. "I heard what happened to her, I'm sorry."

"Ugh, I don't think she'll come out in a week or few days." I frowned.

A week later

I hadn't seen Justin in 2 days and I really miss him. But luckily I get out of the hospital in a few minutes. Justin is waiting outside for me and I'm so excited to see him.

I no longer feel sore anymore. I learned how to walk again, because I've been laying here for a week without moving. I'm all fine now. I just have scars and a few bruises on my body, and only a cut on my cheek.

"Ready to go?" Mom asked.

"Yeah... and mom I'm sorry." I said.

"It's okay, sweetheart. I understand why you were upset at me." Mom says.

Mom kisses my cheek and we walked outside. I saw Justin stand there with a bouquet of flowers in his hand. I gasp and ran up to him, I jumped and wrapped my legs around him.

I kissed him. "I missed you."

"I missed you too, Ari." He says, kissing my cheek.

"Let's go home." Mom smiled.

I got off of Justin. "I'll meet you at my house?"

"Yep." Justin smiles, walking over to his car.

I got in mom's car. I took a deep breath. Mom grabs my hand.

"We'll be okay. It's only a 17 minute drive." Mom says.

I nodded. Mom started driving and I looked out the window.

"Mom, you have my phone?" I asked.

"Oh. No. It probably got taken or destroyed from the accident." Mom says.

"Ugh, fuck." I rolled my eyes.

"We'll get you a new one, okay?" She says.

"I had everything on that phone." I frowned.

"I'm sorry baby." She says.

We got to my house and Justin did too. We entered my house and sat on the couch. Mom was in the kitchen.

"Feels so good to be back." I smiled.

"Mhm. I have a present for you." Justin smirks in a sexy way.

Before I got excited for you-know-what, Justin pulls out a box. He gives it too me. I squeal, knowing it was a phone.

"I saw them take your phone. But I don't know if they'll give it back." Justin says.

"Oh my god, thank you!" I pecked his lips.

I took out the phone and we set it up. Right after, we went upstairs. I obviously made him take selfies with me, and he wasn't having any if it.

"Thank god its over." He groaned.

I giggled and Justin's body hovered over me.

"I like this position." I joked.

"Mhm." He says.

I looked at him to realize he was hard. My face went hot and I laughed it off.

"Have I ever told you how cute you are?" He says, kissing my neck.

"Maybe ten million times." I smirked.

I felt his kisses go down my neck, then my chest.

"Mm- Justin can you please stop." I said.

He pulls away. "Sorry. I got carried away."

Justin lays down next to me. I turn and snuggled him. There was a moment of silence for a few seconds.

"Guess what?" Justin says, breaking the silence.

"What?" I looked up at him.

"We have the next two weeks off for vacation." Justin says, making my eyes light up.

"Oh, yes!" I exclaimed.

"And Ariana?"


"Are you healed, like, fully healed?" Justin asked.

"I'm pretty sure." I said.

"I was thinking about taking you out to get you the tattoos you wanted." Justin smiles.

"Really?" My eyes lit up once again.

"Yep. I already asked your mom too. She approves." Justin says, looking directly into my eyes.

"You're the best boyfriend ever." I giggled.


"Are you happy now?" Justin asked, holding my hand as we leave the tattoo parlor.

"Yeah. I really wanted these tattoos for a long time. Not because of the aesthetic, they mean something to me." I smiled, kissing his cheek.

"I'm glad you're happy, babe." Justin smiled.

We got in the car. We leave the tattoo parlor place and we were heading home, or so I thought.

"My house is that way, where are you going?" I asked, looking in the rear view mirror.

"I'm taking you somewhere special." He smiles.

"Okay..." I said skeptically.

I looked out the mirror. I watched people walk around the streets, and cars moving.

"How long is this drive?" I asked.

"Approximately, thirty minutes." Justin says, making me groan.

We got to the place. We walked up the stairs and to the roof. I gasp at how beautiful the view was.


"I know. It's where I come to think. You can see almost the whole city here." Justin says, wrapping his arms around me from behind, resting his chin on my shoulder.


Justin and I arrived home to my house. I set my keys down on the table and we went upstairs.

"You look so beautiful." Justin says, caressing my cheek.

I looked into his eyes. I leaned in and pressed my lips again his. Justin's lips moved with mine. I jumped and wrapped my legs around him.

He puts me down on my bed and hovered over me. I was rested on my elbow and his hands were on my bed, on each side of me.

"I'm going to punish you for being a good girl today."

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