The Hybrid

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The day i met the girl who could control me from my thirst for blood I knew I wanted to stick by her side forever. But, did she want me forever....

As I was walking up the stairs of hell I noticed a red mustang sitting in the parking lot, it looked unfamiliar from the cars I've seen here in small town Shadow Falls, Maine. I sighed at the thought of there being a new kid and I just opened the hells front door.

Walking down the hall was normal girls starting at me with heart eyes and normal locker slams. I rolled my eyes at the paper sticking out of my locker.
Dear Finnie,
Meet me in the student hangout room. ;)
xoxo Iris A.

I knew it was her! Iris was the doppelgänger of our school, she was popular like me, she's my girlfriend I take blood from her. The only reason why I date her, I don't love her, my parents hate Iris and well I know why she is a bitch. But, today wasn't the day my thrist for blood right now is horrible, my mom won't let me drink the blood she bought for our grandparents. I crumbled up the paper and opened up my locker fully now.

I grabbed out my history of vampires book for history class and my other stuff too. I heard a body lean against the locker next to mine so I looked away from it. There stands Sadie Sink the schools Mermaid girl. "Yes Sink?" I ask irrated because I just want get to class. "Someone is in a mood today. But thats not the point I was wondering if you could help me with something?" "Ugh what is it!?" "Damn. Well I was wondering if you could talk to Caleb for me he thinks last night I went to go bang Wyatt last night just because I called off horror night. When actually I showed the new girl Millie around." "Wait theres a new girl?" I asked thinking what she looked like because we barely get anyone new. "Yes. Shes Hybird...." Saide said this and my heart sunk. Fuck! A Hybird in a town, my parents will get mad as hell. "Ugh. Damnit!" I said slamming my locker shut as the first bell rings, sending a warning we have 3 more minutes until class. "I know it sucks. But shes nice. Its not like she's actually one though she told me her family's story it's complicated." I looked confused how could a hybrid be nice, their rude ceatures. "Whatever. See ya Sink gotta get to class." I stormed off to the classroom not wanting to talk to anyone at the moment.

I thought hybrids wouldn't come back to fucking Shadow Falls. My parents which are the Mayors made sure they were gone how could a hybrid get in? As I was still zoning out Mrs.Ryder called my name. "Finn, would you like to tell us on how the vampires became to liking of rich hybird blood?" "Yes of course. The main Vampire Nick had a human wife. She was beautiful, majestic. He was in love with her. One problem though she was human. He thirst for her blood. Yet he kept himself in control around her because he loved her so deeply. A year after they got married she was pregnant with a Hybrid the Hybird ate normal food and could drink blood if wanted from her. Once the baby was born Nick decided to drink the blood calm the child. But when he did he couldn't resist the blood he loved it but, he looked into his beautiful wifes eyes and stopped. So this proves true love is real." Mrs. Ryder stood there in shock on how knew I all this. Well im a freak for Love. "Nice job Finn that was amazing how you explained the story of love and hybrid and vampire history." I nodded in response and then the bell rang.

The rest of the morning ran bye everything being normal until lunch. As I sat in my spot in the lunch room with my cup of rabbit blood I smelt something more tasteful than the rabbit. I turned my head to see Sadie with the most prettiest girl I've ever seen. "Hey guys! This is Millie Brown and she is new to our school and I was wondering if she could sit with us?" The red head said her eyes switching from all of us but she held her eyes on me for a little longer. "Ya sure its not gonna hurt." Gaten said. Millie sit down right by Sadie which caused me to hold my breathe a little because sadie sat right by Caleb and Sadie pulled millie up a chair. "So what are you all doing after school because tonight I heard theres gonna be new kids at the normal high schools party." Noah said while laughing a bit. I would've laughed but I couldn't dued to the scent coming from the pretty brunette beside me. I noticed her breathing was hitched and her heart rate was fast. Did I mention I could feel emotion, so i felt how she felt right now just by looking over at her. She felt scared and nervous. I couldn't take her nice deep hybrid scent how bad I wanted to drink her red tasteful blood right now. I couldn't. I was in public and I would not do that to someone. "Well I'm done so I'm gonna head to gym class." I said as I got up from the table smelling her scent as i breathed my breathing hitched and my eyes went from brown to dark black quick but then back because I controlled myself.
"Ok Finnlard but remember meet us at the hangout." Caleb said smiling a bit and I waved wanting to leave fast. I took my vampire speed and ran out to where no one knew i left.
The rest of the day went fast. I never saw Millie ever during the rest of the day.
"Ah Finnie there you are I've been looking for you all day." Iris said brushing her hand across my back then leaning against the locker right next to mine. I sighed and looked at her, "Well maybe I didn't wanna see you at all today." "Oh so you didn't wanna see your good looking girlfriend," iris came close to my ear and whispered, "not even take a quick drink from her." She smiled her devil smile she doesn't affect me even though she thinks she does she doesn't at all. "No Iris I did not. Infact I think me and you should take a long ass break or maybe even break up." I said calmly making sure no one looked at us. "Wow. Your such a player Finn. I hope you get stab in the heart with a stake!" She yelled the last part and that made everyone look at us I didn't care I just slammed my locker and walked off with all eyes on me, some girls even had looks in their eyes that they wanted me now that me and Iris are done.

As I parked my car I noticed a new car in the parking area of the groups hangout the exact red mustang I saw this morning. I sighed knowing the fact that it was probably Millie. I walked and smelled her right away her vanilla scent that was so strong to my senses. "Hey Finn ya made it take a seat." "Of course I made it why wouldn't I be here?" I asked in a confused tone. Caleb looked at Millie then to me knowing that her smell was affecting me big time. I looked down knowing Caleb could easily read my mind right away. Millie was talking with Noah about something I couldn't understand. "So um guys I was wondering if Millie could join our group?" Sadie asked looking around and yet again looking at me like she had to talk me into saying yes. "Oh my god I would love if she joined!" Noah said in his little high pitched fariy voice. Sadie smiled a happy smile at him. "I don't care really." Gaten said making his chest filled with his Nemean Lion fur pop out, as he ate his pizza from a pizza box. "That'd be ok as long as Finn is ok with it." Caleb said letting his nice side of a wolf show. Millie looked at me and I could tell her breathing hitched her eyes looked scared. "Its fine...with me." I said unsure but only Caleb noticed this. "Ok good because she was gonna join either way." Sadie said sitting by Millie. I sat there in the hangout of ours deep thinking what could happen if I do drink Millies blood.
I noticed Millie kept giving me glances from past Sadie I sighed knowing she probably knew what I was just by my pale skin. And how my eyes change color when I felt thirsty.
I sighed as I got up from the chair and headed for the door. "Where you going?" Noah asked me in a considered voice. "Out for a bit I need to clear my mind." Millie looked at me then looked away quick because she saw I was staring at her. I walked out fast, I was half way to my car when I heard her come out of the tent. "So you gonna tell me why your so scared of me?" Millie asked as i turned around fastly. "Do I really have to tell you?" I asked sternly walking fast to her and brush my hand on hers. Her breathing hitched more. I smiled a devilish smile. "Now you Brown don't understand what I could do to you right now do you?" "Y-you can drink my blood." She hesitated when she said this my eyes widen, but then they turned black as I wanted to scare her. I made my sharpe teeth show my eyes where full black now. She put her wrist out not even being scared as she did this i smelt her nice hybrid scent I wanted to taste the blood so badly. I grabbed her arm and went in for a bite. Her blood tasted amazing. It didn't taste like any humans it didn't taste like Iris's it tasted like something I couldn't explain. I stopped myself once I looked into her eyes. I took out my vangs and pushed back the curls that cover my eyes. "Well that didn't hurt." Millie said sighing and wiping her wrist and having it atomatically heal. I sighed. "You just put yourself in so much trouble." "How did I finnie boy?" She said in a flirty voice that made me shake my head. "I've tasted your blood and your a Hybrid which means imma want more of you." I smiled sheepishly pointing at her wrist. "So maybe I want you to have my blood Wolfhard." She said this with a whisper to my ear causing me to pull her close as she tried to walk away. "Hmm so you want me to suck the life out of you?" I asked putting my hands on her waist as she jumped a bit. "I'm already half dead so that wouldn't make me die more." She untangled herself from me and smiled at me as she walked back in. I walked to my car and got in looking back at what just happened between me and Millie. I shouldn't have of drank her blood though because now my craving for her blood is gonna get worst.

I walked into my huge house more like a Manison. I put my keys on the key hanger in the entryway and plopped down on the couch and turned on the tv. "Finn we need to talk." I heard my mother say as she walked into the big ass living room. "Yes?" "Ok so we need to talk about how me and your dad have accepted hybrids into the town." I sighed as I already knew this. "Ya and?" "We know how they affect you. But your brother Nick is friends with the 2nd oldest sibling and their gonna be coming over tomorrow night to eat dinner." I groaned madly knowing that means Millie will be over at my house. "Ok well can I go upstairs and at least pair for the Hybrids to come so I don't go crazy." I got up and run swiftly to my room. Noticing that someone has been there. "Hey there finnie! Guess who?"

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