It Kills Me

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You looked so beautiful it killed me

I saw the most prettiest girl walk right into my house. The way her hair was naturally curled and down made me droll, she was beautiful. I got out of my trance and walked down the stairs. "There you are Finn this is the Brown family." My mom smiled at me, "I'm sure you know Millie she said you two are in the same grade, this is Pagie the eldest one, then this right here is Charile Nicks friend, and here is the youngest Ava." She smiled and I smiled knowing me and her have already crossed paths and bonded really good. I knew I would get along with her well. "Come on into the dinning room our cooks are getting all the stuff ready." My mom started walking towards the dinning we all followed, but I could not help glance at Millie she was so beautiful with her hair down and that dress.
We walked into the grand big red dinning room the walls were red, for a reason of course, the table was black with a red slicky table cloth on it. The chairs were black with a red cuisine on the back and the sitting part. I sat down in my usual spot, as I sat down Millie sat down beside me. I sighed and looked over at her. She smiled her little pretty smile at me and then turned around. "Hey there Charile." Nick said coming in and "bro hugging" him which i still don't understand why cant he just hug normally. I sighed and Quincy looked at me rising his eyebrows. I shaked my head at him and rolled my eyes. "Oh Yes and this dear boy right here is Quincy he is Nicks and Finns friend he stays here with us he is a fox." My mom said pointing at Quincy and smiling. I always wonder how she still keeps a smile on her face even though her and dad fight every single night.
It was time to eat finally the maids brought out some blood that was freashly drained from a humans body, steaks and side salad with it. Millie leaned over to one of the maids and whispered something I couldn't make up with my super hearing. The maid took Millies drink into the kitchen and came out with a glass of salt water. What in the world is wrong with Millie shes a hybrid ain't she, she's not a mermaid or a siren. I have no idea why she would be drinking salt water. I gave her a weird look and she smiled at me, no one seemed to notice she changed her drink of blood to salt water. Only I did.

Dinner ended my family made me take Millie and show her around with the horses we had. "So Millie ya know how to ride one of these?" Millie looked at me weirdly, "Yes of course I do!" She said and got onto a horse of ours named Kol. "Whats this horse name?" She asked while petting his main. I smiled and got onto Hailee, "Kol he got his name from an old Vampire ruler." She looked. "Thats cool! Well can we go now I wanna see the town." She said this and started riding away but I raced up to her. "Do you even know where your going?" I laughrd a bit and we slowed down to where the horses were just walking. "Nope so I'm guessing you should lead the way." "Ya I probably should." I smiled at her. "So this house up here used to be owned to the great first ruler of vampire Nick. He is still a live of course but he moved onto a bigger town to ruler over vampires and the other mythical creatures of it." She looked at me confused. "Wait isn't Nick the first vampire to ever date a human to I heard from my parents he was deep in love her. He loved the scent of her then a year later they had a hybrid child and thats how the hybrids started..." She sighed and I saw a tear come from her face. "Ya but theres so much more to the story." "Ya I know Finn. I studied it a lot I guess." She said this and made sure the guess part was trailed off. "Oh ok then but here I wanna show a spot its ancient to this town but nobody knows about expect me and my grandparents, he brought my grandma there all the time. It's beautiful." She smiled at me. "Now finnlard why are you showing me this spot of yours?" I rasied my eyebrows at her because of the nickname she gave me. "Because your new and I can read mind you won't tell anyone I know you won't. Also where did you hear that nickname only Sadie, Caleb, and Gaten call me that." "Oh Sadie said I should so ya I am now calling you that until I makeup my own very nickname for you." I shaked my head at her and got off of Hailee. "Ya whatever you say darling." She jumped off her horse. "Ya and I already know it!" I walked into the cave and she followed. "And now whats that Beauty?" "Beast." She smiled and I chuckled a bit. "Like Beauty and The Beast huh?" She shakes her head. "Ya but I don't love you...yet." I looked at her in confusion. "Hmmm yet? Seems like you already love me." "Ya right wolfhard. This place is beautiful though." I smiled, "Ya I know I come here a lot and think." I sat on a rock that was shaped like a chair. "What do you think about if I may ask?" I looked over at her sitting down with her shoes off she put her feet into the moon pool. "Stuff I have mermaid friends that come in here ya know so they'll smell ya and ask me questions." "Ya wolfhard but that does not answer my question." She smirked at me. "Well I write and learn about history in here a lot." "Do you hangout in here a lot?" "No millie I come here once month. Of course i hangout in here im in here all the time when I'm not at the hangout. "Thats cool because this water seems like its fun to swim in." I shake my head. "It is but when the moon is full if your in there you lose your orginal self and become a mermaid or merman we get a blood moon each year here ya know so when your in it during the blood moon you dont become something so beautiful with the tail you become something ugly ur face and body is pretty until you hit the water your tail becomes ugly but ur face it stays pretty. You become a siren and they can only last without water for 12 hours." She looked at me interested. "How do you know all this stuff?" "Like I said I have mermaid friends their really old to about 43000 years old they know ever inch of every single ocean and the most they know is about the moon pools here and everywhere else." "Thats cool I wanna meet them sometime." Millie said as she got out of the water and put her sandels back on. Her phone started ringing. "Ugh my boyfriend is calling me!!" I looked confused she has a boyfriend? I'm not surprised but I wish it was me. Wait no Finn shut up! "Oh who is he?" She looked at me as she ignored his call. "Jacob he is an elf." I laughed. "Ha your dating an elf aren't they happy spirt and all that kind of shit?" "Ya but he isn't he has a very dirty mind and  he is like hades lets just say." "Oh wow im sorry." She shaked her head. "Ya he is something I guess but I don't love him that much anymore he lives far away he basically hits on every girl he sees." I was mad who would do such a thing to Millie. I know I just met her day but she seems like the nicest girl I know right now. "I'm sorry Millie you don't deserve that." "I know its just people he knows will hate me and they are my friends.." I sighed. "If they were real friends they would see the way he's treating you." I got up, "theres more to the town then just this so lets go." I walked and she followed. We got on our horses and I showed her the rest of the town.

After everyone left I fell asleep thinking about Millie and only her she was like this book never ending. Ya know books how you can never get them out of your head and you just think what happened to the couple in the future that is me. I wondered everything about Millie

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