What does it mean?

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Kissing you made me feel something else

I woke up in the morning wondering how it would be to kiss Millie. Would it be sparks fly everywhere or just nothing. Maybe my whole body will blow up or or maybe would I forget the whole world around me. I knew I shouldn't have been thinking about this at all she has a boyfriend that sounds like a total dick or worse hades. I got up and got ready for school and headed to school.

I walked into school rolling my eyes at the fact today was hot but the good thing I get to see Millie again. God damnit you should not even be thinking about this Finn. I saw Millie heading towards my locker as I took out some books.
"Hey Beast." She said with a cheery voice leaning on the locker beside me. "Hey Beauty." I looked at her and smiled as I took out my beanie then put it on. "You should wear beanies more they look good on you." "Ya well I only do when my hair looks like a curly mess." She smiled at me and tilted her head to the side. "Your hair as far as the last 3 days now has been great its black and curly its cute." I rolled my eyes playfully. "Whatever you say Beauty." "Its the truth. Anyways gotta get going to class so ya see ya at lunch Beast." She smiled and walked off.
I watched her as she walked the way her shoulder length hair kind of bounces as she walks and then her shoulders are high up shes not slouching. Its like shes proud I can never be that proud though. Someone taps me on the shoulder and I turn around.
"Hey there lover boy." I rolled my eyes at Gaten. "Ya whatever shut up." "You better get to class Wolfhard or your gonna be late." Gaten said looking at his phone. "Ya ok come on were both gonna be late." I turned on my heels and headed to history.
"So we are going to do a history line about under water life. It will be dued next week on Thursday." I sighed knowing this is gonna be hell. "Ha I see you Wolfhard I know you wouldn't like this but the last projects you have done have been wonderful so I suspect some great stuff from you." "Yes of course you will Mrs.Ryder I will put great affort into this." She smiled at me. "Ok good now the bell is about to ring so get your stuffed packed up." The bell started ringing and I got up. But Mrs.Ryder stopped me. "Finn there is a new girl coming and I was wondering if you could show her around tomorrow." I sighed, "the principal said to ask you because you are a great student." "Yes I know Mrs.Ryder I guess I'll do it." She smiled and rubbed my arm. "Good ok go on now you have more classes to attend."
The morning was not the interesting until 4th period my extra class I take photography.
Mr.Heaton walked in and put his files on his desk and walked to the chalkboard. And started writing something. When I read it I was confused. He wrote L-O-V-E
I raised my hand. "Yes Wolfhard?" "Mr.Heaton what do you mean by Love?" "Well thats what your gonna do for the next assignment take photos of things you love it could be anything. Also you need to write on why you love that thing or..person." "Ok now I get it." "Good I expect a lot from you Wolfhard." I smiled a bit and started writing the stuff he just told me. I was thinking what do I love anything I could take a photos of anything that I love. I saw someone walk into class that looked fimlar. I put my head up and saw Millie. "Sorry Mr.Heaton I'm late had to go to the office here is my pass." She set down her pass and he took it. She saw me and went up the asile then sat down right be me. I turned my head to her. "Hi there." I said and she smiled at me. "I did not know you did photography you should of told me." She smiled at me as she pushed my arm. "Ya I love it." "Well I do too Beast anyways why is the word Love on the board?" I sighed. "Thats our new assement we have take pictures of stuff we love." She looked like she was thinking after what I just said. "Ok sounds good." 
She started listing down ideas on her notebook and I tried looking over her shoulder she looked at me and smirked.
"Yes?" "Uh nothing what ya writing down?" I said still trying to look but she shut her notebook. "For me to know and you too find out."
The bell rang and she picked up her stuff as I did too.
"Ya walking me to lunch Beast?" We walked out of the classroom and I followed her to her locker.
"Ya don't needa follow me." "Well you asked me to walk to you lunch so I am." I smiled. "Ok lets go."
I put my stuff in my locker and we walked to lunch together.
As we walked in everyones heads turned to us I sighed knowing what some of them were thinking. Nope were not a couple were just friends sadly. Ugh shut up finn you just met her. As we got in line I saw Iris glaring at Millie I didn't care but I could hear what she was thinking so I grabbed what I wanted and lead Millie to our table. I sat down by Noah and Millie sat by me. "So what an entrance huh?" Caleb asked shaking his head as he ate his rabbit. "Ya it was I guess. I don't know why everyones heads turned its dumb." Millie said picking at her food not hungry. Sadie came to sit down but I saw Gaten no where at all. "Hey Sadie have you seen Gaten?" She looked nervous like she knew. "Umm no I have not sorry Finn." She put a piece of her fire red hair behind her ear and ate her tuna. "Ugh why don't they have fish here?" Millie said putting her fork down and slumping in her chair with a pouty face. "Why would they just give me this stuff I want fish." Millie said whining. I chuckled a bit. "I have no idea Mills." Sadie said shrugging her shoulders. Than the bell rang.

I walked out of the commons and headed for my locker to get my stuff and go on out of here it was an early out day for us. Millie came running after me.
"Yo Finn what are doing for the rest of the day?" I shrugged my shoulders. "Probably play on my guitar and spend time at the cave. Why you ask?" "Because everyone else is going over to the lake and since it's hot out I was wondering if you wanted to go with me so I'm not like going alone." I laughed a bit and opened my locker. "You have the rest of the group. I'm sure Sadie will be there with you." "If it means probably kissing off Caleb's face then ya no." "What about Gaten or Noah?" I said grabbing my car keys and walking Millie to her locker. "Noah and Gaten their going somewhere else they told me to like Alaska for the week." I shaked my head as she opened her locker and got her stuff. "Noah's wings are gonna freeze if he turns into a Fariy there." Millie sighed as we walked out of the school together. "I cannot wait until summer." She got her 4 days ago and she felt like my girlfriend. Finn shut the fuck up your not dating her.
"Ya good thing it's Apirl." I got in the drivers seat. "Ya wanna ride Beauty?" I smiled at her nickname as her face flushed red I could smell her blood. When I was with her I forgot I was Vampire I forgot everything. "Ya I have no ride." She smiled and hoped in. "So you want me to pick the song or you?" I asked as I sat there starting up my car. "I will I have this song stuck in my head and it's killing me." She stuck her phone into the AUX cord and scrolled threw her songs trying to find it. I looked at my screen on the radio and saw a song called.
Champagne and Sunshine by PLVTINUM
(This is the song if ya wanna listen to it)

Millie started to hum to the song. Then she sung.
"She got that rich girl LA Vibe she wipe it good and her daddy 95." And then I rolled down her window and she put her hands out and was enjoying herself.
I kept my eyes on the road smiling each time she sung the chorus it was a song about sex but it had good beat.
We got to her house and she got out grabbing her bag. "You coming?" She said holding her car door open looking in. "Um no but come here I gotta tell you something." She leaned into the car a bit and I took her face in my hands and kissed her. She kissed back surprisingly it felt like fireworks going off in my whole body I felt so alive. She took her lips off of mine and looked at me. "So ya gonna pick me up in an hour to go to the lake?" I smiled at her. "Yes of course." She waved at me smiling and I drove off. I was thinking I had to go to the lake anyways because I had to perform with my group Calpurina. I almost forgot about that shit.

As I got in the house I called Jack Anderson. "Yo what's up finn?" "Ok dude I totally forgot we had to perform at the lake tonight." He sighed. "Oh ya I'll call Malcom and Ayla will help you get everything there so we can perform." "Ok we gotta practice too it's just I gotta pick up a friend of mine." "Ok will do." He hung up and I got everything ready.

Yo I posted ya proud of me anyways should I make Calpurina like a part of this story I want to but idk comment if I should or Should not. Also imma try and update a lot more on here guys. Have a nice week!-Marae💗

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