Time Changes

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Your blood is something I can't get off of my mind, it's stuck with me.

(didnt edit yet so beware spelling errors)

I jump as I hear those words from that persons annoying voice. "Yes Iris?" I said with madness in my voice. "Damn be like that to your girlfriend." She said walking over to me and putting her arms around my neck. "I saw you with that hybrid named Millie...isn't she a thing." Iris said as her hands moved up to my curly hair and she twisted one with her finger. "Hmm finnie you out of words?" "Because you took her blood now you can't get her out of your head?" She was playing withh my mind. "Iris leave my house right now or I swear to god your head will be ripped off!" I said yelling a bit. "What happened to you? You would always want me after a tough day. But now you don't. What a shame." She walked to my window and climbed down the wall.
I sighed as I shut my window and got my room all hybrid proof. As I finish I look at my phone and see Quincy tried to call me 3 times so I call him. After 4 rings he answers, "Hey Finn do you wanna go do something with me and your brother?" "Eh not right now Quincy." I said looking at the clock and getting nervous about the time because I have to meet Sadie and Wyatt for a swim tonight. "Ok well have a good night." Quincy said this hanged up.

As I parked my car on the side of the rode I got a text from Iris but I ignored it. "Well Well look whose late." Sadie said smiling her devil smile, "Ya I know I'm sorry I had to do some stuff." I said as I took off my sweatpants and sweatshirt to only revealing my chest and shorts. "Ok we swimming or not because I'd like to talk Lilia about something Jaeden told me." "Ya dude come on!" Wyatt said and walked into the ocean. Soon enough his Dark shiny blue and white tail was on him and he was already swimming. I walked in and went under. Sadie followed me and her beautiful fire red tail was on her. I swam as fast as I could being free my breathe not bothering, knowing vampires don't have to breathe so they can stay under water as long as they want.
We made it to Sadies castle, her parents are the king and queen of the Atlantic ocean. I swam into the main hall of the castle as Sadies dad was in there. "Oh Finn hey there boy." "Hey King Sink do you know where Lilia is?" I asked looking around. "She is visiting some family in the pacific ocean so she is not here right now. She will be back soon." I sighed and nodded and made my way out there and swam around for a bit longer until I was to tired to mive. Yes vampires have to sleep, they have to at least sleep 2 hours or we will be weak.

I woke up to another day of horror but, no school for me today I'm skipping. I plan to rest up for tonight so I can be tough enough for tonight with Millie.
I walked downstairs to see Quincy and my brother still here, "Hey Finn wanna come with us to see Josh heard he got some hot troll babes." Nick punched Quincys arm and Quincys laughed a bit. "Nah I'm gonna stay home maybe practice a few songs on my guitar or go skate." I said grabbing the blood jug out of the fridge and pouring some into a clear glass. "Ya of course call Me or Quincy if ya need anything. Mim and Dad won't be him till the Browns show up tonight." I nodded like I was understanding it, just the mention of Millies last name made me go blank.
I got on some sweats and a sweatshirt then went down to the music room with all my guitars and stuff.
I grabbed my favorite one and started to play a couple crods then I got up and started playing songs by favorite bands. My absolute favorite is El Socrchro I got into well enough I jumped in the air and almost hit the ceiling but it surprised me when I saw Maddie, Maddie Ziegler standing in my basement of my house. I put down my guitar and walked to her. "Yes Maddie what are you doing here my mom and dad are out doing something." "No this ain't about my job with your parents. Oh No! It's about how I saw your future with the new girl at our school." I looked at Maddie confused I know she could see into the future with her powers but I didn't know she knew Mille, so I sat down on my couch and looked confused as ever. "I know you maybe confused but Finn she is gonna bring danger to your life you need to listen to me. She is something. She is not like no other Hybrid. But th-" I cut her off. "Maddie I don't wanna hear more of this get out please." I said already regretting letting her talk to me about millie. "Finn you don't under she is-" "Maddie I said leave please." I said as I was trying to keep my calmness. "But- ya know never mind..it was good news but you blew it!" Maddie ran off and I heard the door slam shut with my super hearing.
I got up from out of the basement and saw it was raining. I smiled, this is my kind of weather for hunter. I headed up to my room to get changes into warmer clothes for hunting. I changed into a sweater, heavy rain coat, and some jeans with tennis shoes.
I walked outside with my car keys in my hand until I saw an old friend of mine leaning up against it. "Really you?" "Yes me!" Josh smiled it was still raining but id didn't affect anything. "What do you want Josh im going hunting." "Hmm I was just wondering where your girl Iris is?" He smiled a smile that I was not able to read. "I have no idea and I'm not dating her anymore. For all I care she can leave me alone. I was just using her." I unlocked my car and got in the driver seat of the car. "Ok well you see her tell her to hit me up for some fun." I shakes my head and shut the car door and drove off.

I got to the forest it was now pouring. Even better. I got out of the car and ran fast to the spot where the foxes, mountain lions, and deers would always be. I creeped behind a big fat tree. I heard a crunch but it was no animal. No. It was a person. I turned around seeing no one. But as I turned back around I saw a blonde little girl. She smiled at me. "Hi I'm Ava Brown." She said and put her hand out. "Little Girl do you realize what I'm trying to do here I need to eat." "Oh yes I do because I am doing the same you see I know you from somewhere you look like someone I've met." She had a pure brtish accent almost like Millies- wait could this be a sibling of Millie's? "Hmm who Do i look like Ava?" I said grabing onto a flower. "Nick Wolfhard my brother Chariles friend Nick is actually over at our house right now he said he had a brother my sister ages. Could you be that boy?" Ava said climbing up a small tree and sitting on branch waving her legs back and forth. "Yes, I'm Finn Wolfhard. Nicks little brother." She smiled another nice caring smile. "Ok good because now you can help me hunt!" She said jumping down running fast away. I chased after. She made it to the spot I was heading. "Shh now you see that family of Foxes you can attack them all at once if you be very quiet." Ava said getting down low. I did the same but soon enough I was attacking the foxes with this little girl that was probably 13 or 14 i just met in the woods.
As me and Ava walked I saw a bug house up head of me. "What house is that?" I said pointing to it as we walked to it. "Oh thats my house. So I'm guessing you better go. I swear i wont tell Millie or your brother we went hunting together..anyways see you tonight for dinner!" She said and used her speed to get to her house and I was off to my car.

It was easier as the day went on because I stayed home for the rest of the day and watched old 1980s movie how I miss the time back then. Nick came home earlier than I expected him to though. "So Finn how was your day of resting?" Nick asked throwing his jacket onto the coat rack. "Good it was peaceful and great." I smiled. "Thats good but we both better get ready because are guest are gonna be hour in 2 hours. You know my mom wants us ready on time." "Yes Nick I know." I got up from the couch and headed up the long staircase upstairs and walked down the hall filled with a bunch of rooms.
I walked into my room and grabbed something nice but not to nice it was a black striped shirt some black pants and a leather jacket. I went to the bathroom to shower i smelt like i was a dead fix or something.
I got undressed and started the shower. When I got in it just cold enough to make me love the water I stood there under the shower head for a few minutes letting it beat on my back chest. It made me feel calm. I washed my hair and body, I was probably in the shower for a good 45 minutes.
I got out cleaned the mirror and looked at my wet curly and long hair, girls at school always wanted to touch it was fluffy and soft. I never let anyone touch it because its my hair and I don't want no one to ruin it. I got dressed, walked downstairs and saw something I never thought would be so beautiful.

Hi its me marae sorry for this being so late I was so busy with gymnastics and other stuff I wont try and be this late again! How ur liking the book so far? Comment plz- Marae

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