Imagine the Unexpected

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A unexpected encounter when at a photoshoot

Stephen pulled me aside while we were looking through pictures from the photoshoot, he took me somewhere private my heart racing, my mind wondering why is he taking me somewhere private? What is he going to do? His arms so sexy and muscular it was hard for me to keep my composer. He grabbed my hand and lead me to a private room he turned towards me and looked deep into my eyes, I could help but blush I felt warm like I had a temperature but overall felt fine.

"Y/N" he said my name in that oh so sexy accent.

"Please have dinner with me." he asked. Did he just ask me out on a date? Oh my gosh!

"But we hardly know each other." I said nervously taking a deep breath.

"Isn't that what a first date is for?" he smiled. My heart beat speeding up, my head spinning.

"Stephen-" I started but his lips brushed up gently against mine I was in shock I didn't know what to do or what to think. I lifted my arms up and wrapped them around his neck I felt his hands being placed on my hips and slowly griping me tighter as the kiss continued. He lifted his head and looked deep into my eyes I felt this overwhelming feeling come over me,

"Please say yes." he said still looking deep into my eyes almost like he was looking rate into my soul I bit my lip before taking in a breath of air.

"Yes." I told him letting out a smile, he gave me a smirk before reaching into his pocket and pulling out his cell phone he handed it to me with the add contact info menu pulled up. I take the phone from his hand and start to enter my phone number and hand it back to him. He calls it rate away so I could have his number also, we smile before he leaned in and kissed me again when we were interrupted by Britney and Claire (Stephen's manager) calling for us. Stephen takes my hand and leads me out to where our managers were calling us I knew that Britney would ask a million questions about what just happened. Stephen and I say goodbye before I leave to go to my hotel I was going to stay at I checked my phone as soon as I got settled into my room, I had a text from a unknown number I knew that it was Stephen so I saved his number into my phone before responding back to him.

"Hey Beautiful" I read, and instantly I felt a smile appear on my face

"Hey Stephen how are you?" I texted back, I sat down and waited for him to reply back.

"I'm good so when are you flying back?"

"3 days" I replied I waited for a response back, but instead my phone rang I picked it up 'Stephen' appeared on the caller ID I swiped to answer it.

"Hello?" I smiled

"hi you only have three days here before you fly back to the US?" he asked

"Yeah, I wish I could stay longer and go sightseeing and stuff this is my first time in England." I informed him.

"Well which hotel are you staying in?" he asked me I smiled a little before telling him.

"Ok, well I'll make sure to have something fun planned." he told me. Even over the phone his voice sounded like a God I couldn't help but smile.

"Ok I'll hold you to that." I smiled

"Good, see you soon." he said before we hung up. I set my phone down and turned on the TV but I was distracted with my thoughts all I could think about was Stephen. Why did I feel like this I thought. I heard a knock on my door when I opened it Britney was standing there waiting, she walked in and sat down I knew what she was coming to talk about.

"So what did you think of the photoshoot?" she asked excitedly

"I really enjoyed it, and Stephen was great." I smiled

"Good, so can I book more photoshoots with men?" she asked me hoping I would say yes

"Fine." I gave in, I knew this would boost my career I just didn't want someone else to take the spotlight from me.

"So where did you and Stephen disappear to?" she asked

"He just wanted to talk to me that's it so don't get any crazy ideas." I told her.

"Oh come on tell me please" she begged I hear a knock on my door and I stood up to go answer it

"Fine Britney, I think he's really really attractive okay?" I admitted heading towards the door.

"I knew it! Y/N you and Stephen are so cute together why can't you just admit that." she confessed

"I admit it ok, we are cute together okay." I blushed inching my way towards the door.

"Y/N come on you have to go after this one please please please." she begged me

"Britney!" I stopped in front of the door.

"Y/N and Stephen sitting in a tree, K-i-s-s-i-n-g" she started I rolled by eyes before answering the door, oh shit.

"Stephen what are you doing here?" I asked nervously I really hope he didn't hear that.

"I came to pick you up" he told me

"To go where?" I asked he grabbed by hand and kissed the top of it

"You said that you've never been to England before so I'm going to take you to see it." he smiled. I look at him and see this light in his eyes I smiled before inviting him in while I throw some other clothes on. He walked in and greeted Britney who was still sitting on my couch, I ran into the bedroom and threw some clothes on I could hear Stephen talking in the other room.

"I think you two would be so cute together, please make her fall in love with you." I hear Britney say, I quickly opened the bedroom door and walked over to Stephen I glared at Britney.

"Not another word." I warned her.

"Should we go?" I asked turning towards Stephen

"Have fun, be safe... Use protection, or don't!" Brit yelled as we left the room he took me by the hand and headed downstairs and outside we started walking around and he was showing me all the beautiful sights of London at night, it was incredible it was perfect. I loved walking around with Stephen he was so sweet and romantic I felt like I was in a movie or something.

The next few days flew by way too fast, I didn't want to leave London or Stephen for that matter, I fell for him I couldn't tell him that though he'd think I'm crazy but I know that it's been so long since my last relationship and I was scared to jump into a new one, but with Stephen it felt different I wanted to be with him. I couldn't help this feeling for him, I wanted to be near him all the time. I was sad, alone packing my bags to fly back to the US, Stephen had a photoshoot do do so he couldn't say goodbye to me in person and I didn't want to interrupt his shoot. I met Britney in the hall and headed downstairs to get in the blacked out SUV to take us to the airport. When we arrived I unpacked my bags from the vehicle and headed inside. I was walking towards the terminal when I hear

"Y/N!" I quickly turn around to see Stephen running towards me he ran up and swooped me up in his arms.

"What are you doing here? Your photoshoot?" I asked I was shocked to see him here he gave me a kiss before setting me back down on the floor.

"I couldn't let you leave without saying goodbye, or being able to kiss you." he smiled without another word I pressed my lips up against his and wrapped my arms around him.

"Awe, I knew you two would get together." Britney added. I didn't want that moment to end, I wanted to stay rate here in this moment with him.

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