Imagine Being Pregnant (3)

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Your 4 months pregnant and your finally starting to show, you and Stephen couldn't be happier he hasn't been able to take his hand off your bump since it started showing. This huge smile hasn't left your face either, your so happy you're glowing.  Stephen is so excited to become a father and you already knew he was going to be the best father in the world, whenever we would go somewhere he would introduce me and say 'she's however many weeks pregnant isn't she gorgeous' and of course I would start blushing.

I would usually be wearing fitted clothes but ever since I started getting a baby bump I started wearing loose tops which hid how actually pregnant I was.

I was tidying up the house a bit when Stephen came home,
"Hey beautiful" he smiled walking up and placing a hand on my belly as he kissed me.

"How was work?" I asked as he went into the fridge for a bottle of water.

"It was alright." He replied after taking a sip, he set the bottle on the counter and approached us again, he placed both hands on either side of my belly and slightly caressed, he looked down at my belly and smiled to himself.

"Wanna go for a walk along the beach?" Stephen asked looking up at me.
"Sure" I smiled and slipped on flip flops and followed Stephen. Luckily the beach was only a few blocks from our house so we just walked which was amazing because of how much we both loved the water. He took my hand as we walked, both exchanging flirty glances at each other while we made some small talk.  Once we arrived at the beach we took off our shoes and walked along the water line. It was so beautiful with the sun starting to set how it glowed on the waves in the ocean. 

"I can't believe how beautiful you have gotten." Stephen started,

"What do you mean?" I asked

"I mean since you've been pregnant, you've always been beautiful baby girl but I don't know there's something about you, especially now that your showing and seeing you carry around our baby it's breathtaking." Stephen stopped and faced me, I looked down blushing.

"I'm serious, your the most beautiful women I've ever seen, your absolutely stunning." He continued, he placed his hand on my belly smirking. I looked up at him and looked into his eyes and saw love, passion, excitement  he made me feel whole. 

"I love you Stephen, more than you can imagine." I began, he placed his other hand behind my neck and slowly ran it to my cheek we looked into each other's eyes for what felt like ever. 

"I love you and our baby more than words." He kissed me. 

"So I was thinking of names for our baby." Stephen said as we continued walking along the shore hand in hand.

"Oh yeah?" I smiled glancing down at our feet in the water. 

"What do you think of Lucas?" Stephen asked

"Lucas James Hendry."  I repeated testing out the name

"Why does his middle name have to be James?" Stephen asked

"Because I said it does, and plus we can call him LJ. "  I smiled. 

"So you like it?" He smiled back

"I love it, but what about if we have a girl?" 

"Uh- what about Sophia?"  He suggested

"My gosh Stephen, your actually really good at this." I shouted in surprise. 

"Ha what?"  Stephen smiled

"So if we have a boy Lucas, and if we have a girl Sophia." I smiled excitedly.     

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