Imagine Being Pregnant (2)

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Imagine your about to go to your first doctor's appointment after taking a pregnancy test.

I'm getting ready for my doctor's appointment, Stephen should be here any second I continued to get dressed and prepare myself for this Stephen comes in the door and meets me in our bedroom, 

"I'm almost done babe I promise." I tell him as I finish putting on my over shirt and slipping on my flip flops. 

"Its okay." He assures me as he leans up against the door he just watches you rush to get ready.  

"How was your day babe?" You ask,

"Good, what about yours?" Stephen asked

"Pretty good, just thinking about this appointment." You admit,  Stephen walks up behind you and holds you around the waist, lays his head on your shoulder  you feel his hands wander across your belly, and you feel butterflies fluttering in your stomach. 

"No matter what happens we will be fine. I'm so excited to see our little one in there." He smirked. 

"I am too hun, I just want our baby to be alright." 

You go to the bed and grab your purse from on top of it and head out of the bedroom Stephen follows close behind you.  You both walk out to the garage and get into the car, he gets into the driver's seat of our BMW as I walk around to the passenger seat. He starts up the car and we head down the driveway, we get out to the main road and Stephen takes his hand from the steering wheel and places it on my thigh. I smile as I look down at it before placing my hands on his and as soon as I do he turns his head to look over at me and smiles. 

"You okay?" He asked facing back towards the road. 

"Yeah, I'm nervous what about you?" I ask. 

"Im okay, I want to know how little one is doing." Stephen smirked, after a 15 minute drive we arrive at the clinic. Stephen pulls into the parking lot and parks the car, we take off our seatbelts and he turns to me, he gives me a small smirk.  Something so small yet so meaningful I felt ready to face the world knowing he'd be by my side. 

We walk into the clinic and walk over to the OB/GYN office, we sat and waited for my name to be called my heart raced the whole time but we were so ready for this I can't wait to find out if we're truly going to be parents or not, we sat and waited anxiously for what felt like forever but my heart skipped a beat when the nurse came out and called my name.   Stephen who was still holding my hand looked over at me as we stood up I could see it in his eyes that he was nervous but so excited at the same time. 

We followed the nurse back to the room, after she took my vitals and I answered a couple questions she directed me to the restroom where I had to provide a urine sample.  After doing a urine sample I met Stephen back in the doctor's office, we held each other's hand Stephen squeezed my hand slightly and lifted his head from looking down at the floor and sighed. I knew he was just wanting to know a answer, I felt the same way.  

"I just want you to know that no matter what I'm so in love with you it's unreal, and if we are going to be parents I know that your going to be a wonderful mother." Stephen smirked. I lean my head on his shoulder as I try to hide the fact that I was blushing. 

"I love you too babe, your the most amazing man and I'm so glad that I'm going through this with you, and your going to make a pretty great dad too." I kissed his shoulder.  After Stephen took a deep breath he turned his head which made me lift mine off his shoulder, our eyes met and we smiled at each other before we shared a kiss. 

A few moments later the Dr. came back in, she had a clipboard and paperwork in her hand she came and sat down in the rolling chair next to the desk. She lifted her reading glasses and placed them on her face before looking at he document. We both tensed up and almost held our breath. 

"Well your test results came back, and it shows that your in fact pregnant, congratulations."   The doctor informed us.  Stephen and I both sigh in relief, we smiled at each other and we gripped each other's hand tighter, we were so happy.   Based on my last period she figured I was about 10 weeks pregnant, so we calculated my due date.  I was so overwhelmed with excitement it was so hard to keep my composure, but we had to answer some more questions the doctor had before we could leave. 

About 10 minutes later we were free to leave, Stephen and I got out to our car and I break down I start crying because I'm just so happy Stephen leaned over the center console and wrapped his arms around me he just held me for a while. When he let go I looked up at him and see a tear fall from his eyes, I didn't expect him to get emotional but it was so heartfelt to see. 

"Your going to be a daddy." I smiled, he let out a smile before he placed his hand on my belly and looked down at his hand, he took a moment to compose,

"Yeah" he let out a breath, I could see it on his face he was so excited and terrified all at the same time.

"Your going to be a mom." He smiled. 

"Lets go feed you and that little one." He said taking his hand off of my belly and leaning in to kiss me before he grabbed for his seatbelt. 

**I'm sorry for taking so long to update, I have been and still going through alot things in my personal life, I'm doing my best to keep up with my stories. Please bare with me.  **

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