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Ariana 💕

I watched from court side as the Lakers struggled to keep pace with the Thunder. This is literally the first road game Kyle has brung me on, and we're not even counting the Atlanta game he just played; I was already in Atlanta, I just decided to go to the game.

Kyle looked so frustrated. More at himself because he wasn't just not making his shots, he wasn't in perfect sync with the ball. It sucked watching him turn the ball over.

It wasn't just him though, the whole team was just going through it. Everyone contributed to the lack of energy. If I could start the game over again, I would. We all know that isn't possible though.

I sigh as Russell Westbrook dribbles the ball, running down the last 10 seconds of the game. When the buzzer went off, the Lakers had snapped a 5 game win streak with a 92-113 loss to Oklahoma City.

I made my way to the locker room, since I was considered the girlfriend/wife/family/guest of the athlete. Anyone with a neon green wristband was allowed in the area. To be honest, I was literally the only one there 😭.

I waited about 40 minutes before the Lakers began leaving the locker room and heading to the team bus. When Kyle came out, he looked more frustrated than he did in the game.

"Kyle, it'll be okay. Don't stress yourself over this." I said, trying to help.

I tried to grab his hand but he put it into his gray Nike fleece hoodie pocket. He had his hood on his head, with the strings tied tightly. He held his head down as he followed the team to the bus.

I sigh, trailing behind the group of men. It felt so weird being the only girl here, but with Zo and Brandon it wasn't as bad.

I caught up to the two, who embraced me in a walking hug.

"He's pushing me away again." I say, pouting.

"He just had a bad game Ari. He'll come along eventually. I'm sure he doesn't mean to shut you out purposely." Zo explained.

"Yeah. I mean, we all had a bad game tonight." Brandon said, looking down at me.

I sigh, nodding.

"I'd say just give him his space. When he's ready, he'll come waltzing right back to you." Zo said, making light of the situation.

I giggle, imagining Kyle literally waltzing toward me.

"Don't take that literal. My boy has no rhythm." He said, chuckling.

"Too late." I say, still giggling.

He shook his head chuckling while Brandon just shook his head, a small grin on his face.


The bus ride to the airport was probably one of the most uncomfortable bus rides I'd ever been on. Not just was I the only girl on the bus, but I sat in the back.

Coach said he wanted me to 'keep an eye on these fools'. There was literally nothing to keep an eye on though, they all either fell asleep or just scrolled through their phone.

I couldn't tell what Kyle was doing because he was a good 5-6 rows ahead. The closest person to me was Jordan, and he was knocked. His snoring was the most annoying thing ever though 🙄.

If I could slap him, I would 🙃.

I sigh, getting myself comfortable in the seat. Just when I did, Kyle came to the back of the bus. He signaled me to move over toward the window. I did so and he sat beside me, sighing in exasperation.

"What's up?" He said.

I shrug, looking out the window.

"Hey? Look at me." He said.

I turn to look at him. I nod for him to say whatever he wanted to.

"You mad at me?" He asked.

I shook my head.

"Then what's the matter?" He asked.

"I was just giving you space." I say.

He shook his head, as if not believing me.

"I didn't want to feel too clingy, so I just let you be. I didn't feel like bothering you when you were upset." I explain.

"I'm sorry about that Ari. I was just thinking about what had possibly went wrong during that game and what I could do to change it next time. I apologize for pushing you away." He said.

"It's okay. It doesn't matter now. As long as you're okay." I say.

He nods. We sat there for a while in pure silence, not a word was mumbled. Then he grabbed my hand, lacing our fingers together and resting our hands on his lap. He slouched in his seat, getting comfortable.

I just remained in a regular position; up straight, left leg crossed over the right.


When we got back to our apartment in Los Angeles, I immediately made my way to the bedroom. I lie down on the bed, sighing.

Home ❤️.

I sat up upon seeing Kyle take his shirt off. I bit on my lower lip, watching his back muscles flex.

He is just B-L-E-S-S-E-D 😩.

"Can I sleep in that shirt tonight?" I ask mindlessly.

He turned and looked at me with furrowed eyebrows. He held the shirt up, as if asking 'this?'. I nod.

"Ummm...." He said.

I bite the corner of my lower lip, waiting for his response in anticipation.

"I guess." He said.

I smile. He tosses it to me. I catch it with one hand.

"Why do you wanna sleep in my shirt?" He asked, tugging at the string to his sweats.

"I like the way you smell." I say, shrugging.

He chuckled at my response.

"Yeah okay. I'm gonna go shower." He said.

I nod as he walks to the bathroom. I occupied myself with my phone as I waited for him to finish. When he finished, I went in after. I was out about 30 minutes later.

I walked over to the bed, where Kyle was laying on his phone. I crawl next to him, resting my arms on his bare chest.

"What's up?" He said.

"Nothing much. Just thinking." I say.

"About?" He asked.

I shrug.

"Anything. Everything." I say.

"Like what?" He said.

"I don't know." I say, looking down at his chest.

He gives me a confused face.

"So you're thinking...but you don't know what about?" He said.

"Yup." I say.

He shook his head, chuckling. I grin. He checked the time on his phone.

"Think we should catch some Z's? It's been a long week." He said, yawning.

I nod, yawning right after him. He turned off the light as I got settled on my side of the bed.

"Goodnight Ari." He said.

"Goodnight Kyle." I say.

He pulls me close to him, burying his face in my neck. I smile before letting sleep empower me.

My heart ❤️😩.

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