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Ariana 💕

Kyle soon pulled into the players, staff, coaches, etc parking lot. I got out the car, grabbing my duffel from the back seat. I close the door, following Kyle after he locks the car.

We enter Staples, having to part ways once we reach the entrance. He went to the team locker room and I went to the dance teams locker room.

Out of 23 of us, only 10 were here so far. I check the time, seeing that we had 15 minutes to spare. I sat down by my dressing area, beginning to get myself ready for run throughs.

I got myself dressed in the black Lakers tank top, purple running shorts, and the black Nike Roshe. I pull my hair out of its messy ponytail, readjusting it to look a little more neat.

I sat in one of the vanity chairs, scrolling through my IG as I waited for the other girls. They all came in shortly after, getting themselves dressed in the same attire. Then we all made our way onto the court for warm ups and run throughs.

The guys were currently on the court shooting around, getting themselves ready. I spot Kyle, who was guarding Zo.

"Alright ladies, let's run through these two dances real quick so we can get ready for the game." Coach Bailey said, snapping me back to reality.

I go to my spot, which was right beside Sarah and Roxy. I was in the row of 5 in the front.

"Alright. Dance 1 with no music. Ready? 5, 6, 7, 8." She exclaimed.

She started doing the 8 counts and we started doing the moves. We ran through the dances 3 times without music.

"Music this time. In your places." She said.

She cues the music. Level Up begins to blast throughout the arena. When the part comes up, we start moving. I did the counts in my head, moving to the beat of the music.

I soon ended up in the middle, the only one standing; like I was told.

"Good. Dance 2." Coach Bailey said, clapping.

The other girls stood up. We then got into our positions for the next dance. The rest of the girls stood along the Lakers logo, posing with their arms over their heads. Me and Sydney stood off to the sides, waiting for the song to start.

Upon hearing the beginning of Dose, me and Sydney ran toward each other, doing two round off backhand springs past one another. When we landed, we joined the rest of the girls.

We went through the steps with ease, all ending with us posing on the floor.

"Excellent ladies." Coach Bailey applauded us.

She had us run through the dances one more time, then had us practice our opening dance that we'll do before the player introductions. After that, we were released to begin getting ready.

I walked over to the players though. Josh, Zo, Brandon and Kyle were all sitting along the court side seats, watching as I walked over. I grin.

"So when were you gonna tell us you joined the dance team?" Zo questioned, giving me the 'I'm waiting' face.

I chuckle, all outta breath and shit.

"I wanted to surprise you guys." I say.

"Well we're very surprised." Josh said.

"I didn't know you could flip like that. The hell?" Brandon exclaimed.

I laugh.

"Sorry." I say.

"Yeah yeah." Zo said, waving me off.

I smile.

"We'll be watching during the game." He said.

"You should be paying attention to Coach Luke." I say.

"I do what I want." He said.

I stick my tongue out at him. He sticks his out at me, getting up to go to the locker room. Brandon and Josh hug me before following Zo. Kyle stood up, wrapping his arms around me.

"Eww Kyle, you're all sweaty." I groan.

"You ain't no better." He said.

I giggle as he kisses my forehead.

"I want you to meet someone." He said.

He grabbed my hand, walking me over to Lebron. I tensed up as we got closer to him.

"Bron?" Kyle said.

"What's up?" Lebron answered.

"I got someone I want you to meet." Kyle replies, pulling me from behind him.

"Hi." I say, shaking slightly.

"Hey little lady. I've heard a lot about you." Lebron said.

"You have?" I say.

"Yes ma'am. Kuz here just can't seem to stop talking about you." He said.

I look up at Kyle, who was nodding.

"Really now?" I say, looking back at Lebron.

"Yeah. He's a really cool kid. You seem like you're doing a good job keeping him happy." He said.

"That she is." Kyle said, wrapping his arms around my shoulders from behind.

I smile as he kisses the top of my head.

"Thank you Bron. Very excited to have you here in L.A." I say.

"Glad to be here." He replied.

We talked for a little bit more before he made his way to the locker room as well. I turn in Kyle's arms, arching my eyebrow at him.

"So you've been talking about me to your teammates I see?" I say.

"Of course." He said.

"Mmmhmmmm." I say.

He smiled making me smile too.

"Alright, I gotta go get ready for the game. You be good." He said.

"Always." I say.

He gives me the 'Yeah right' face. I laugh. He leans down to kiss my lips.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you too." I say.

He kisses my forehead.

"Show your ass out there today kid." He said.

"You too." I say.

We pull away and he slaps my butt. Before I could react, he was already making his way to the locker room. I shake my head, making my way to the opposite tunnel.

On the way to the locker room, I ran into Aubrey and Kelly. Before I could greet them, they cut me off.

"Are you dating Kyle Kuzma?" Aubrey asked.

"Yes??" I say, questioning their curiosity.

"Ariana, the rules state that you cannot date the players." Kelly said.

"I was dating him before I joined the team." I say.

"You should've thought about your relationship status before joining the team." Aubrey said.

"I don't understand what my relationship status has to do with me dancing on the squad." I say.

"Nothing at all. Basically what we're trying to say is keep the PDA to a minimum. We don't wanna give the Lakers Spirit a bad look." Kelly said.

"We're definitely not gonna let a rookie do it either." Aubrey said.

"Like we said before, keep it quiet." Kelly said.

"And stay out of our way." Aubrey added.

They then walked to the locker room, leaving me there in distress.

I followed behind them 10 minutes later, making my way straight to my dressing section. I showered quickly before getting dressed in my Lakers attire.

I really do wish a bitch would 🤦‍♀️.

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