The secret departure- Chapter 7

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I woke up suddenly to Niall jumping up from under me and running into the kitchen. My head thumped down on the floor where I had slept with Niall that night. "Ow!" I exclaimed, sitting up and rubbing my head.

"Oh, shit! I'm so sorry!" Niall yelled, running back in the room to sit beside me.

"What the hell was that for?" I asked, still rubbing my head.

I looked up at him, a pout on my lips as he looks down to his lap, embarrassed.

"I smelled food..." he responded before looking up to meet my gaze. Pink flushed his cheeks. He's so freaking cute! "Are you okay?" he asked me, leaning over to put his arms around me.

I leaned farther onto his chest and nodded. "Yeah," he kissed the back of my head where it had banged on the floor.

We sat there silently for a couple of moments before he sighed and asked me, "Does this mean I can't go grab something to eat?" I laugh and sat, comfortable in his lap for quite a while before taking his hand. I get up from his lap and pull him along. He looked at me with a puzzled look on his face. Damn, he's so freaking cute! He hesitated, asking silently for an explanation. "Come on! I thought you wanted something to eat!" I told him smiling.

He smiled back and ran to the kitchen, dragging me along. I laughed as I was stopped suddenly by a body coming in contact with mine. I lost Niall's grasp and was now held by a pair of strong arms holding me up and towards his chest. I looked up to find that I was with none other than Harry. "Careful there," he warned me as I tried moving from his grasp. "Don't want you to get hurt by running into any guys, hmm?"

I smiled and nodded. "Wouldn't that be a tragedy." I teased. He smiled at me and we just stared at each other for a moment before Niall cleared his throat from behind me and I realized Harry still had his arms wrapped around me. I pulled away quickly and turned back to Niall. "So, food?" I asked he nodded, a half smile now plastered on his face. He took my hand again and led me further into the kitchen where there was some bacon and pancakes sitting in the middle of the table. I grabbed a piece of bacon and sat down at the counter. Niall repeated my gesture and looked at me shyly.

"What's wrong?" I asked him concerningly.

"Nothing." he answered. I furrowed my eyebrows together and looked at him expectantly again, basically pleading for him to tell me the answer. He sighed. "You were just getting a little too friendly back there is all." he told me before continuing to eat his piece of bacon.

I laughed, understanding. "Jealous already?" I teased. Oh my gosh this is the best day of my life! Niall freaking Horan is jealous of me and Harry freaking Styles!? I never thought this day would come! I looked away from me shyly and I knew the answer. Aww he's so cute! "You don't have to be." I stated. "I like you too much." he looked at me and his smile grew. I smiled back at him and he blushed before looking away again. Did I just make Niall blush? Okay, this is totally: The. Best. Day. Ever!


"Bye" I said giving a Niall a hug.

"Why do you have to leave already? Nobody else is leaving?"

"I have to got to work" I said

"Oh Be safe okay?" Niall said giving me a hug.

Just as I walked into the elevator I got a call from Lisa.

"Hey Simone!  You ready the movers have moved everything out of your apartment and I know you are at One Directions flat "

"You are such a stalker!" I said jokingly, while getting out of the elevator to see Lisa smiling at me.

"You ready?! It's going to be a long three days of you recording!!"

"I know, but I'm excited to be going to London. But, don't I have to come back to the states?"

"Yes, Simone. But you get to see your flat in London and I have a surprise for you when we get there" Lisa said with a smirk.

"Oh a surprise! Now I'm really freaking excited!!"


As we were the plane to London I could help it by constantly telling Lisa how mad Anna the rest of the girl and maybe even the boys are going to be when they find out I just left out of the blue.

"Would you stop worrying about them? Remember that happened last time? You kept worrying about what your friends would think. And then when you finally told them, they got so mad at you, that tey pressured you to quit. So you did and you lost your opportunity to work with Schoolboy q. I bet you recreate it now. Don't you?" Lisa said obviously being frustrated.

I didn't reply. I couldn't. I just slumped back in my seat and looked out the window, thinking about what Lisa had said, I mean she did have a point. That's why this time I didn't tell Ariel or Anna. I just told Lita and Jackie. It's not that I didn't want to tell Anna or Ariel, It's just it seemed that every time I told them about what new opportunities I got, they just shot it down and I honestly don't have the heart to stand up to them.



How are the girls react to Simone leaving?

What's Simone's Surprise?

These questions and more will be answered in the next chapter of Baggage Claim 7



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