Of course this happens...OF FREAKING COURSE!! Chapter 2

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To recap..... Simone goes to a restaurant where she hangs with the boys. Simone and Niall get close but are soon interrupted by a phone call from Simone's manager who just told her she got signed to a record label, but when they ask why Simone is so happy she say's nothing. Simone soon gets dropped off by lita and...

That is what happend in Baggage Claim 7


"Alright see you at six Simone" Lita said before driving off.

Making my way up to my apartment I noticed a note taped to a bag. The note had said..


Anna didn't want this dress so I figured you'd want it because from what  I remember you and Anna are the same size. Love, Conchita.

I smiled as i took down the dress. I unlocked the door and threw the dress on my bed and quickly sat down in front of my computer, browsing tumblr, youtube and checking all at the same time...multitasking like a boss if i must say so myself.

As I was scrolling through tumblr I noticed that my dashboard was full of pictures of the boys in Denver. As I was scrolling through I freaked out (not in the good way) because there was a picture of the boys, lita and I and almost all directioners pissed off at the fact that Niall was with a girl. I laughed and closed tumblr, getting on to my email. As soon as I logged onto my email I noticed an email from Lisa, my manager whose been helping me to get signed. I clicked on the email and read..

Well, I did it! You finally got your big break! I sent your demo to syco and well, now they want you to fly to Sweden and start recording your first single by your stage name MoSi!! Call me so I can start planning the flight.

Oh and btw Simon...Yes Simon Cowell thinks it'd be better if you move to London...So start packing!!

I soon looked over to the clock and saw that it was almost six. "Oh Shit!! I have to get ready!!" I mumbled out. I quickly ran to the bathroom, took a shower, did my hair and got dressed all before six.


Just as I was putting on my heels I heard my phone blasting "Good Feeling by FloRida"


"Hey Simone! Did you get my email?"

"Yeah, I got your email, I am so freaking excited" I said as I grabbed my keys, purse and headed out the door to my car.

"So, When do you think you can fly out?"

"Well, I have to wait till after the wedding."

"Brilliant..." I heard a British accent say from the other line, I knew it was Simon. "I can send you either with One Direction and you'll be touring with them, which means you have to record two singles or I can send you out a week before One Direction's tour ends. Your Choice Simone"

"Okay" Is all I could say trying to soak in what I just heard.

"Alright, Simone. Call me back when you make a choice, Bye"

And just as the call ended I was pulling in to the venue. As I began walking to the door a million and one thoughts were going through my head...Should I tell the girls that I am leaving in less than a month?Or that I'm moving to FREAKING LONDON?!" Maybe I should just tell the girls....Naw they'll figure it out.

As I walked through the french doors I was met up by Lita who seemed rather impatient.

"Dude! Hurry Up!!" Lita said while grabbing my arm and dragging me to where the rest of girls were. "Oh and Simone, you have to question Anna on how she knows the boys. YOU don't want to make it obvious that you just spent practically the whole day with them."

"Okay" I replied making my way to Ariel and Jacklyn.

"Hey guys!!" They both said. Before Lita and I even had a chance to even reply, Anna walked in....everybody seemed to shut up as if she was royalty or something. I hated it to be honest but then I realized that I've always been jealous of her, it seemed that everything she had tried to do just worked out perfectly. She had everything going for her...It was literally as soon as Anna landed in the UK she was offered to work alongside a famous artist.  While I actually had to bust my ass for 6 years to actually get a record company to notice me.

I quickly snapped out of my trance and grabbed Anna's arm remembering what Lita had said...I took a deep breath...."So...Tell me everything" She raised her eyebrow as if she didn't now what I was talking about. I groaned "Hello? How do you know one direction? How'd you meet them? Are they coming tonight?" Even though I already knew the answer, I just had to ask.

"I heard of One Direction before but I never knew what they looked like. I never payed attention. Then, I met Harry on the plane without knowing who he even was so we talked on the plane but that's about it!"  I gave her a look as if I knew she was hiding something. She sighed "Yes they're coming. Mom invited them.


The boys all walked in and oh my lord Niall Horan was getting me weak at the knees, him in a suit asdfghjkl, I admit it I major fanigirled inside when I saw him.

"You look nice, Simone" He smiled as he took my hand and led me to the table where Harry and Anna were.

I soon however, noticed Harry sitting alone and all awkward after Anna had left to go talk to her family from Mexico. I nudged his arm and said "Hey, you don't have to worry about them" He looked up and raised an eyebrow at me. I pointed at the boys Anna was talking to and said " Three of them are gay and the other two call her  'mom' 'cause she's so freaking motherly and protective of them" Harry's jaw dropped as I burst out in laughter but my laughter soon quickly stopped as a figure of a person nobody want to see. Anna's dad.

"Oh Shit"

As soon as Anna looked up and saw her dad. She ran.

Shit always has to happen..... Anna's dad quickly ran after her and Harry ran him and to find Anna. I was going to follow too but Ariel quickly grabbed my arm.


I turned to Niall who was looking down at me with a worried, confused look on his face. "Um Simone?,,,,What just happened?" I grabbed Niall's hand and took the table and told him about Anna's dad. 

"Oh..." is all that he could reply back before giving me a hug.

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