The Boy Next Door (An Austin Mahone Fanfiction)

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Moving. It sucks. A new school surrounded by all new people who make you feel like shit.

"Emily have you finished packing?" my mom yells from down the hall.

"Erm... Yea.." I yell back as I frantically throw stuff in boxes. When I get the last of my things thrown into boxes my mom makes me help load the truck.

"Geez Em! What is in this box?" my mom asks breathily.

"Um books." I reply.

"What did I tell you about putting all your books in one box? This weighs a ton!" she said as she handed it to my dad who lifted it onto the truck. Once all the boxes were loaded I went back to my room. I picked up my high tops and took one last look at the room I'd spent nearly 10 of my 15 years growing up in. Tears began to fall from my eyes and down my cheeks as I walked out of this house for the very last time.

"Why do we have to move mom? I like it here!" I said.

"You're dad got a better job in San Antonio so we're moving and that's that." she replied.

"What about you? You don't have a job in San Antonio!" I replied.

"Honey I'll find one, but right now this is the best thing for us ok?" she replied.

"Mom I'm gonna hate it there! I don't like country boys and I don't really like rodeos or crap like that..." I said.

"Don't be so stereotypical Em... I'm sure you'll find a liking to some boys down there and San Antonio is much more than rodeos. Just give it a chance ok?" she replied.

"Fine." I said and that was the end of that. After nearly 6 hours in the car my mom pulled up to this house that was green and looked like all the others around it.

"We're here!" she said.

"Mom... You can't be serious! We aren't living here are we?" I said.

"Em... Just give it a chance." she replied.

"Ugh!" I said and got out of the car. This house is significantly smaller than my other house and it's a duplex which is also new to me. I wonder who lives in the other side of our duplex. Probably some geezer cause that's all I see living in the other ones... It took us about 3 hours to unpack the truck and when we were done I was drenched in sweat. I decided to take a shower to get the stench of moving off of me. I turned on the water and of course just my luck the knob broke right off in my hand... Great... I took a quick shower then got dressed and got my dad to tell him about the shower.

"So um dad great house... I went to take a shower and well..." I opened my hand and showed him the knob.

"Dammit Emily! Can't you go a day without messing something up?" he said.

"I'm sor..." I slowly started to say before he cut me off.

"Yea. You're sorry. Ugh. Just go do something useful..." he said then walked away. I hate people seeing me cry so I quickly ran outside and sat on the curb before the tears began to fall. In the middle of my sobs I started to hear a basketball bouncing. Huh. I thought only geezers lived around here. I glanced up and my gaze froze on a gorgeous brown haired boy that wasn't country at all. He had on a pair of red Jordan's and white shorts. He had no shirt on and let me tell you he had a really nice body. I hadn't realized how long I'd been staring until I heard an unfamiliar voice say,

"Can I help you?"

"Uh.. I.. Uh... Hi." I stuttered.

"I'm Austin." he said reaching out his hand for me to shake.

"I'm Emily." I replied shaking his hand.

"Emily. Huh. I like that name." he smiled.

"Ha. I don't! Every girl seems to have it!" I replied.

"Maybe, but I'm sure none of them are as pretty as you." he said and I looked up surprised by his compliment.

"Um... Thanks." I stuttered as his eyes met mine. Our gaze stayed for what seemed like forever until he said

"So um... Do you like basketball?"

"A little yea. I'm not very good at it... But it's alright." I replied.

"Ok. Then you're on!" he said as he pulled me up then took off towards the basket. I got there just in time and stopped his shot just before it hit the rim.

"Not that good huh? What do you consider good?" he said.

"Um not relying on luck?" I said laughing.

"You're funny." he said smiling and began walking towards the curb. At first I just stood there until he said

"You coming?"

"Uh... Yea. Sorry!" I replied and walked to the curb taking a seat beside him.

"So you're new here and you don't really know anybody or places to go... But there's this carnival here and I was wondering if you'd come with me tonight?" he said.

"That sounds fun!" I said smiling. "Of course I'd have to ask." I said.

"Do you have your phone on you?" he asked.

"Uh.. Yea. Why?" I replied.

"Let me see it so I can give you my number then you can just text me when you know if you can go." he said smiling.

"Okay." I said handing him my phone. I don't know why I trusted him so much... Just something about him made me feel safe. Secure.

"Alright. There ya go!" he said.

My phone started to buzz as soon as he handed it to me. It was my mom.

*Dinner. Come inside. :)*

"Hey Austin, my mom just text me and told me I've got to come in for dinner. It was nice meeting you, but I've got to go." I said.

"It was nice meeting you too. See you tonight maybe." he said smiling then we parted.

When I got inside I made my plate then took my seat at the table.

"So I see you've made a friend." my mom said with a smile.

"Yep. Oh hey mom he wants to know if I can go to the carnival tonight! Can I? Please?" I replied.

"Um... Well you just met... I don't know..." she said.

"Mom please! He's my first friend here please! Let me make a good impression!" I begged.

"Ok... Fine. Finish your dinner though." she sad as I stood up to take my plate to the sink.

"Mom I'm full." I replied.

"Eat just a little more. You just got here and you've barely touched your plate." she said.

"Ok fine..." I said sitting back down. I finished my plate then went down to my room and texted Austin.

*Hey! :) It's Emily. My mom said I can go! :)*

He replied quicker than I expected.

*Awesome! :D Meet me outside at 8. :) Oh and wear something nice. ;)*

Wow... Haha he would!

*Are you hitting on me?* I replied.

*Maybe. ;)* he replied.

*Haha I'll see you in an hour. :)* I said.

*Can't wait! :)* he said then I went to get ready. Maybe my mom was right. Maybe I will find a liking to some boys here. Maybe I already have.

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