San Antonio Isn't So Bad

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After arguing with myself for what seemed like hours I finally decided on skinny jeans, my paint splatter high tops, and a pink t-shirt that said Live Life Loud on it. It is only 7:30, but I want out of this house so I say by to my parents and walk out the door. I walked down to the curb and took a seat where I planned to wait until 8:00. I must have gotten lost in my thoughts because seconds later, well what seemed like it, I heard a voice say,

"Hey, you ready to go?" and it belonged to Austin.

"Oh. Yea! I'm re... Woah!" I said.

"Woah what?" he laughed.

"I just... I uh... Don't take this the wrong way, but I didn't know you could clean up this well." I stuttered.

"You're not looking so bad yourself." he said with a smirk.

"Well lets go pretty boy. Wouldn't want to be late." I joked getting up off the curb.

"Very funny..." he said still smirking. For someone who's not very country his car sure doesn't show it. A red truck... I don't know though. Something about it is kinda cute... He opened my door for me and I got in. When he got in the other side I couldn't help but just stare at him. The way his hair lies... That red V neck... His skinny jeans... Those red Jordan's... Gosh I could kiss him right now!

"Why are you staring at me?" he finally said breaking through my thoughts.

"Um... I... You just look really... Um... You... I just..." I stuttered trying to form words. He laughed and reached over sliding his hand into mine and lacing our fingers. My heart began racing and a smile crept onto my face. When we pulled to a stop and his hand slid out of mine a small frown crept on my face. From disappointment I guess. We got out of the car and the smile quickly returned when he once again slid his hand into mine.

"What do you wanna ride first?" he asked.

"I don't know. You brought me here!" I laughed.

"Okay. Lets ride the Slingshot!" he said, his face lighting up.

"Okay... What in the world is that?" I replied.

"It's this ride that shoots you WAY up in the air at 100MPH! Just ride it with me! Please?" Austin said slightly begging.

"Okay..." I said nervously.

"Don't worry." he said squeezing my hand. "I'll protect you." I smiled at his words.

"Let's make this even more fun." I said. " The first one to scream has to... Has to..." I said trying to think of a finish to my bet.

"Kiss the other one?" he said nervously.

"Okay." I said smiling. "But I hope you're okay kissing me because you're gonna lose!"

"You're on!" he said and I smiled. We got on the ride and I got really nervous. I just know I'm going to be the first to scream!

"You guys ready?" the man running the ride said.

"I think so..." I said and Austin laughed.

"Looks like YOU'LL be kissing ME." he smirked.

"Too bad I'm not gonna scream." I smirked back. That's when the ride took off. To my surprise neither of us screamed. We both just started laughing. When the ride ended a smile seemed to be permanently plastered on both our faces.

"I guess neither of us lost? So we don't kiss." he said, a hint of disappointment in his voice. We rode many rides much like the Slingshot till about 11:00.

"Hey let's ride the Ferris wheel." Austin suggested. I was kinda surprised because it was so different from all the other rides he'd suggested.

"Okay." I said as he led me towards it. The wait in line was short and we were on the ride in no time.

"It's such a nice view up here!" Austin said, his face lighting up like a child on Christmas morning.

"I'm really glad you brought me." I said smiling and settling in closer to him.

"I'm glad too. You look even more beautiful under the stars." he said an I looked up at him.

"Do you always hit on girls you just met?" I asked.

"Not usually. You're the first. There's just something about you." he said placing his hand under my chin. I began to breathe faster as my heart rate picked up.

"I don't usually hit on boys I just met either." I replied.

"Looks like you're gonna have to make an exception huh?" he asked with a smirk.

"Well..." I joked and to my surprise his hand pulled my face up to his and he gently pressed his lips on mine. At that moment the ride stopped. Austin took my hand and led me back to his truck. When he got in he resumed the position of his hand in mine.

"I had a really great time tonight." he said squeezing my hand.

"I did too." I said the smile on my face growing.

"I really like you." he said shyly meeting my eyes then looking away.

"I... I uh.. Like you too." I stuttered.

"Be my girlfriend." he blurted.

"I uh.. I.." I stuttered.

"Don't think. Just do." he said.

"Okay... I.." I stuttered again. What do I do? We just met? But I really like him! But we just met... I'm so conflicted... Don't think just do... Don't think just do. I like him. I like him a lot. I just... What do I do? It shouldn't be this complicated... Just decide...

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