Love Makes Me

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I'm not sure when I fell asleep last night. Somewhere my thoughts just stopped and I drifted into a dream. I woke up kind of out of it this morning, then I remembered the events of last night. I'm not that kind of girl, but something about him just makes me do crazy things! I got out of bed to find out that I'm home alone and I found my phone on the table with a note saying I could have it back and that my parents would be out all day. I clicked the home button on my phone and I had nearly 100 messages. Austin. Just then a FaceTime call came through. Again, Austin. I clicked answer and it felt like forever those few seconds it took to connect.

"Hey" I said sounding relieved.

"Hey babe! What are you up to today?" Austin said with a smile.

"Um well my parents are gone all day today so um nothing I guess..." I said with a laugh.

"Ok I'll be over in 5 minutes!" He said then hit end before I could do anything to stop him. Shit! I have to shower! I tossed my phone on my bed and grabbed some clothes then ran to the shower. While doing my normal performance in the shower I started to hear harmony. What the hell? I slightly opened the shower curtain.

"Austin!" I screamed and threw the curtain shut. Of course he just went through the other side.

"You can't be... What the hell are you doing?" I said frantically.

"I'm sorry babe... Do you want me to get out?" He said looking at the ground.

"Well you've seen me naked now so what's you getting out gonna change?" I said with a smirk. Austin smirked back and stepped closer.

"I actually have to shower though." I said.

"Of course." Austin smirked and put some of my shampoo in his hand. He began massaging it into my hair.

"I meant myself... But this works too." I laughed and pulled into him bringing his lips to mine. He slid his hands up and down my body and our kisses became more and more intense. He began kissing my neck and that's when I found a moaning sound coming from my body I never even knew I could make.

"You're so sexy" Austin said in a raspy voice. I kissed his neck and trailed down his body with more. Next thing I knew I was on my knees and I was returning his favor from the other night.

"Emily!" Austin moaned and sent chills through me. I slowed to a stop.

"Babe" he said breathily and pulled me up into a kiss. I reached back and turned off the shower.

"Come on babe" I said grabbing his hand and getting out of the shower. We both put on our clothes, but Austin left his shirt off, which I didn't mind.

"Do you want to watch a movie or something?" Austin said and smiled.

"Depends. Do I get to pick?" I said winking at him.

"Whatever makes you happy babe" he said with a smile. I went through all my movies and decided on A Cinderella Story: Once Upon A Song because it's one of my faves. I put the movie in then laid in my bed next to him. He put his arm around me and that secure feeling he gives me became stronger. I rolled to face him and he kissed my forehead.

"I love you so much" he said then trailed kisses from my forehead to my lips.

"I love you too" I said and trailed kisses from his neck to his lips.

When the movie ended I started to get up, but Austin stopped me with a kiss.

"No babe. I got it" then he smiled and went to take care of putting the movie away. My phone began ringing with my mom's name on the screen.

"Be absolutely silent!" I said to Austin then answered the call.

"Hey sweetie your dad and I got caught in loads of traffic and decided it's best if we just stay in a hotel and get back tomorrow instead of getting home at 4AM..." my mom said.

"Oh that's fine! What do you want me to do for dinner?" I replied.

"There should be like $20 on my dresser. Just use that and order a pizza or something." my mom said.

"Ok that sounds good." I replied.

"Ok sweetie. Be good. I love you!" my mom said.

"I love you too." I said then hung up.

"Alright Austin. What kind of pizza do you want?" I asked and his face lit up like a 5 year old.

"Pepperoni sounds good." he said with the biggest smile.

"Can you call it in while I go get the money babe?" I asked and he was already calling Pizza Hut to order. It took me longer than I'd expected to find the money, but I finally found it. I walked back in my room and Austin still looked as excited as ever.

"You should know babe, pizza is my favorite!" he said smiling then kissed me.

"I kinda figured from your huge grin" I said smiling back. He looked at the ground embarrassed.

"No! No! Babe! It's cute!" I said kissing him. And we kissed again. And again. Until suddenly it was like we couldn't stop. He laid back on my bed and I pushed back his hair. Then of course, the door bell rang.

"Hand me the money. I got it babe!" He said with a huge smile and I handed him the money. Gosh he's adorable. He came in with the pizza box in one hand and a slice of pizza in the other.

"Hey! Don't eat it all!" I teased. He picked up two slices handing me one. Geez! He'd already finished his first! Within 10 minutes we'd both finished the whole box.

"So what do you want to do tonight?" Austin asked.

"Well lets see. My parents are gonna be gone all night..." I said thinking out loud. I know what you're thinking. I want sex. No! I just hadn't formed a complete thought...

"Let's go for a drive. I want you to meet some people." Austin said and grabbed my hand.

"Ok, but only if you promise to spend the night." I replied.

"Anything for you." he replied smiling. We got in Austin's truck and he refused to tell me where we were going. We finally stopped in front of a place called Fun Zone. Ok?

"Hey!" A male that looked an awful lot like Austin said.

"Alex! Bro! This is my girlfriend Emily." Austin said with the biggest smile.

"Hey Emily. I'm Alex." He said reaching his hand out towards me.

"Hey" I shyly replied and took his hand. Another two guys got out of a car followed by more shouting of names.

"Robert! Zach!" Austin said.

"Austin! Hey!" they said coming towards us.

"Robert, Zach, this is my girlfriend Emily." Austin introduced me again.

"Hey Emily. I'm Robert." the one with super short hair and a dark skin tone said.

"And I'm Zach." said the one with dirty blonde hair.

"Alright. Lets head in!" Austin said sounding excited. We walked in and suddenly I became excited too when I saw we were in one of those buildings where the inside is literally trampolines.

"Oh my God! I've always wanted to go to one of these!" I said super excited. Austin's smile grew bigger as he took my hand and led me in. We slipped off our shoes then he helped me onto a trampoline. Ok this was gonna be fun!

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